
Handysucht uithren Job: Warum Ihr Chef Sie zum Abschalten zlingen sollte

Handysucht uithren Job: Warum Ihr Chef Sie zum Abschalten zlingen sollte

Males can do the work on their smartphones.

(Image: voronaman /

Handy-driven jobs. Research said: Fewer Smartphone power shines and produces at the Work. Do you want to know what this is?

It is more possible to view the German language in the Durchschnitt on your smartphone. Who dies a miracle that we have done after 30 minutes longer, but it was not a good thing, but it is a heartwarming and motivated activity. It is a new study from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, which has been published in the Fachzeitschrift Acta Psychologica.


Smartphone Diet and Sports: So Extensive About Your Work-Life Balance

The Explorer Group is a Julia Brailovskaia who has left 278 times from the different branches one of the three weeks of a week. The bands that are used in four groups: a group reduced its private smartphone use with a stunde pro Tag, a second group has the highest action time in 30 minutes, a trio of groups both come together and a control group is no longer active.

The ergebnisse was completed: the reduction of the smartphone useful functions as the combination with new smartphones and more ways to give a German boost to the professional motivation and the work-life balance. Consider the consequences of the Arbeitsüberlastung.

The Explorer use of the link with the following steps: Get your smartphone out of the Work for private use. It takes a long time, the concentration and performance last after. Time pressure starts, failures pass. You can contact colleagues and chefs.

Scrolling on the smartphone in the quite busy private environment. Both pressure on Stimmung and Selbstwertgefühl. Viele flüchten sich dann noch more ins Smartphone – een Teufelskreis. Der Zwang, de nutzung will be reduced, can break it.

Worker Passed: Cost-effective Way to My Personal Motivation

More movement is essential for hormone free and stress-free. Both scaffold the Leistungsfähigkeit and the Wohlbefinden. Schon small sportliche Erfolgserlebnisse stärken das Selbstbewusstsein.

“These Factors are important for the Productivity and the Environment”, erklärt Studienleiterin Brailovskaia. The Forscherin in the Ergebnissen is a simple and cost-saving way, the Arbeitszufriedenheit and the enormous Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter zu verbessern.

There are positive experiences with the influence of a mental illness: depressive symptoms can manifest themselves in the control and positive mental health. Moreover, the effects in the group were strong, the smartphone is useless when it comes to more sports.

The study finds it interesting to take note of the profession, the money that is often invested in extensive training programs, is the knowledge and motivation that you need to grow. The Forscher solutions are the best reduction of the smartphone usage and the steigerung of the active activation as cost-saving or alternative alternative programs in the fight against see.

Brailovskaia states: “A proven and controlled reduction of the latest smartphone usage times, combined with more active activities, can bring the best results to professional operation and global healthcare.”

The Forscher companies have found some new ways to undertake a free “Smartphone-Diät” in the combination with more possibilities as a “Challenge”. The positive experiences can give a new impetus and last long for the quality of workmanship and production of products.

Limits of the study: Was in the interpretation of the beach

All the information about the science at the interface has been investigated: the intervention phase is now one week, the aftercare in the second week. Long-term effects cannot be investigated. While the study was relatively young and resistant from the Caucasus, the study of the research into the general erwerbsbepölkerung became a fact.

Trotz who likes a research, is a study that goes all over the world, with a number of studies in the alltag of a German translation of the Arbeitszufriedenheit and der divine healthy things that can be done. For companies and institutions there are no new costs, cost savings, which Wohlbefinden on the Arbeitsplatz on the scaffolding are.