
Lehrlingsausbildung: With the Lehre hoch hinaus bei Steindlbau Feldkirchen

Lehrlingsausbildung: With the Lehre hoch hinaus bei Steindlbau Feldkirchen

FIELD CHURCHES. Gebaut is said to have gotten an idea from Fritz Krois after his Sohn. Heute is Hannes Krois Baumeister and Geschäftsführer der Steindlbau GmbH in Feldkirchen and Bildet Lehrlinge aus. No problem for the display in this family atmosphere. “With my work in hand, we will be able to work together,” said Krois. Schnuppern in Betrieb setst bij de Weichen für een Karriere zum Hochbauer (formas Maurer).

Hannes Krois gründete with Gattin Karin die Steindlbau GmbH in Feldkirchen. As a Lehrlingsausbilder, the Baumeisterbetrieb de Nachwuchsförderung is a major Anliegen | Photo: Edith Ertl

There is great interest in the main point of criticism

Marvin Reinisch (18) de Lehrabschlussprüfung met Auszeichnung absolviert and is a star of Styria. “I would still like to make some handicrafts,” said the Hochbau-Facharbeiter from Seiersberg-Pirka. This is the state of affairs for the Lehrvertrag das Schnuppern by alle Bereiche am Programm – vom Klassische Rohbau über Sanierungen bis zu Baumeisterarbeiten für Hausverwaltungen. If the end of the schnuppertage ergährt Krois von seinen Vorarbeitern, ob der Jugendliche ins Team passes. If the Bewerbers take the trouble to search, you will find the right choice for your situation.

MEIN BEZIRK-Mitarbeiterin Edith Ertl spoke with Steindlbau-Chef Hannes Krois (left) as well as Marvin Reinisch and Dominik Kaiser, for the Hochbauer and the extended Hochbauer at the Baustellen fuhren. | Photo: Edith Ertl

Execution with job guarantee

“I am very proud of the Schulzeugnis, but I am more concerned about the results of the consultation process,” said Krois. “I am interested in knowing that the young people will experience their work, and will be prepared for the best work in the environment,” said the Baumeister. Steindlbau depicts Lehrlinge with the Soul, that is your experience Know-how on the Lehre in the Betrieb einbringen.

New entry Dominik Keizer Bring the best Voraussetzungen with. “I got the idea to start the arbitration procedure for construction projects and find construction projects that Bagger fascinates,” says the Grazer, who started his Ausbildung in September. “The American Arbeitstag has carried out the Sicherheitsunterweisung, when the work on the construction sites is very difficult,” said Krois, and then he would be with an experienced Vorarbeiter on the construction site.

That is the space between the solid material of the Steindlbau. It is the result of the construction industry, of the 25 construction workers. | Photo: Edith Ertl

“I’m a stolz, I still have everything to do with it,” said Reinisch and says about the living environment with the Betreute Living in unmittelbarer Nähe. „The great recovery of the environment with the long-term preservation of the new monasteries and the maintenance of their current standards.” The Sanitation of erhaltungswürdigen Objekten are hört zur Kernkompetenz der Steindlbau. Reinisch’ current Arbeitsplatz ist die historical Tennenmälzerei in Graz-Reininghauswhich offers a cultural centre. For Dominik Kaiser the holy cross hangs in Waasen at the Baustelle a Zweifamilienwohnhauses.

Das Foto entstand 2019 at the Opening of the new Domizils von Steindlbau am Josef-Kölbl-Weg in Feldkirchen near Graz, at dem Bgm. Erich Gosch (left) Karin and Hannes Krois welcomed. | Photo: Edith Ertl

A special feature of the Lehrberuf des Hochbauers is the trial version of the research, where you cannot get into the Betrieb and in the Berufsschule Murau at the Lehrbauhof in Übelbach. In the three years of leisure we must bring positive results to abstention: