
Two Brands in three Tags: Is a Brandstifter in the Unterwegs of Dornbirn? – Dornbirn

Two Brands in three Tags: Is a Brandstifter in the Unterwegs of Dornbirn? – Dornbirn

Great swimming mold is available in the inner half of three days in the countryside of the Dornbirner Bahnhofs. Jewelry in the early morning is a small burn. War and Brandstiftung?

Who has the police in the Mitwoch form in one of the best circumstances, can in the early morning go to a small fire in a hotel in Dornbirn. The fire brigade can quickly solve the fire. The emergency of the fire is not clear. Missions to explain the fallout are running aktuell.

It is affected Hotel am Mittwoch.

Two fires in the same hotel

Bereits in der Nacht von Sonntag auf Montag gab einen ähnlichen Brandvorfall in Bahnhofsnähe. Address and time were virtually identical:

On Montag, on September 16, the Dornbirner Bahnhofsstraße leads to a Brandausbruch. At 3:40 am the Einsatzkräfte zum “Brandobjekt in der Nähe des Dornbirner Bahnhofs” would have become, who painted the Polizei. If the alarm is handled, it will fall into the Gleiche Hotel. The brand damages the Treppenaufgang in Fluor, which could be quickly removed. The Brandursache gilt is unclear here.

Was it branded?

Both Brands innerhalb kürzester Zeit im gleichen Hotel ausbrachen, come the Frage auf, ob here a Brandstifter am Werk war. Those who are in social media messages can offer the Dornbirner Bahnhof Mittwochfrüh a Brand message. The police are conducting personal checks.

Police officer Fabian Marchetti.

Polizei: “Ermitteln in alle Richtungen”

When he is busy with the Ermittungen, Fabian Marchetti lets the LPD press from Vorarlberg play on VOL.AT attack. On the subject of the fire foundation they say: “We can’t get out.” The police work in all directions and try to protect the Vorfall, it is a reinforcement.

De Betreiber des Hotels wollen sich gegenüber VOL.AT nicht zu den Vorfällen äußern.