
Defensive duo last the day before starting – Baden-Württemberg

Defensive duo last the day before starting – Baden-Württemberg

Ice hockey

I started Adler Mannheim in the new playing time of the Deutschen Eishockey Liga. We will continue to support the Tradition Club since the beginning of the year.

I started with the Adler...the Saison der Deutschen Eishockey Liga. | Photo: Uwe Anspach/dpa

I started playing the new season of the Deutschen Eishockey Liga. Photo: Uwe Anspach/dpa

Quelle: Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa).
The BZ editorial staff made no mention of redaktionell.

Mannheim (dpa/lsw) – The Adler Mannheim starts with the representative Lukas Kälble and Paul Mayer in the new season of the Deutschen Eishockey Liga (DEL). The duo falls out of the way as the eight-time master girl. With optimal healing run, both games are in round three weeks back to Verfügung, this is again.

Die Adler will meet at Liga-Start am Freitag (7:30 PM) at the Schwenninger Wild Wings. War in the summer of the Fischtown Penguins Bremerhaven in Mannheim zurückgekehrt.

© dpa‍-infocom, dpa:240918‍-930‍-236281/1

Resort: Baden-Württemberg

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