
Starts in the 30s. DEL-Saison: Lauter Rekorde im deutschen Eishockey – Sport

There is still no genau, who there is damals, 1994, with many years on the ranking of the Augsburg Curt-Frenzel-Stadions that their heroes have founded, said Alexander Oblinger. A fast man can earn his money with his money. Denn Oblingers Erinnerung a time for three seasons, as the Deutsche Eishockey Liga (DEL) in the first Saison game, you could take a fresh look at a powerful design scheme from the new world, in blumigen PR jargon as “Retrotrikots” angepriesen. During the anniversary anniversaries „30 Year DEL“ the teams are busy with a part of the seasonal jerseys in the Anfangsjahren der Liga, the state of mind was as great as the harmful Trikot mode. In Oblingers Retrospektive leuchten the names of Harry Birk or Sven Zywitza, Idole for the little Alexander.

The Augsburger Oblinger is a good game, if he will start the League breakout, he will play with a game in the Augsburger Panther and the Maddogs in Munich in September 1994. Oblinger ist, was a man in the League, professional for 15 years with an active Vita. 2009 Wurde der Nachwuchsstürmer mit Berlin Meister, 2014 war er een der Leistungsträger beim Titelgewinn der Panther aus Ingolstadt, davor und danach spielte there für Nürnberg, Straubing and Cologne. Augsburg, Seine Heimatstadt, Verließ is with 13 years, um in Berlin at Eishockey-Internat zu gehen. First of all, this is the last time. Verglichen mit seinen Anfängen, sagt er, habe sich “everything changes, the game, the player, everything – with the tatsache, the man is always still in the same way as the gegner”.

The TV show has started the live broadcast of the live broadcast

Oblingers Beobachtung is catching up with numbers. In the season round 7162 was played during the 52nd round of the main round (in the Play-offs there were still a few more), so it was not easy and more than in other Ice Hockey Leagues in Europe. Even the table-breaking Augsburg reported 14 of its 26 home games as sold out, the stadium auction was well over 90 percent. The 14 DEL clubs have bet 100 million to more than 170 million euros over the years – and have reached new high values. The big Zuwachs are DEL in the Wohnzimmern: TV-Partner Telekom verzeichnete in der vergangen Saison rund 25 Millionen Abrufe – a plus of fast 20 Prozent in Vergleich zur Vorsaison and rund dreimal as little as your start of training during Magentasport for eight years .

Gernot Tripcke, Managing Director of the DEL since 2000 and soeben with a new contract until 2028, sounds enthusiastically satisfied. Man has written the Corona Delta through history and the prospects are positive. Tripcke leads the Liga’s victory on the flat-covering live matches and the digital self-marketing of the clubs back. Even if the crisis at VW, as well as in the Liga as internationally one of the most important moneymakers in ice hockey, does not have a Tripcke cousin: The DEL and its society can focus on fresh and strategic partnership studies. A number of VW sponsorship companies will “then stop for the football player in Wolfsburg a replacement player less obligatory, who can be spared”. So the intestinal war dies Laune not forever.

“The DEL has a Riesenschritt gemacht after Corona,” said Alexander Oblinger. It is and the Panther and that Donnerstag who have been in the League for 30 years, while Ingolstadt is diesmal, he will enjoy a large part of his gratitude in his life. Zweimal nacheinander stand Augsburg, een van nur funf durchgehend premier classige Gründungsmitgliedern der Liga, sportlich als Absteiger fest. In de DEL-bleiben, das Swaben nur, weilist Kassel als Bewerber-juweils am Aufstieg scheiterte (and the Finalesieger der DEL2 ihrerseits nicht aufsteigen wollen). Aber: “We’ve had 100 games in the hockey world, we’ve had 99 legends, we’ve had Augsburg in the League,” said Panther Sports Director Larry Mitchell (who was happy with his life in Kassel).

Mitchell also does not know the league with success. In 2010, Augsburg was coached in the final, until most of the match for the Panther. After stations in Straubing, Ingolstadt and later in Switzerland, he is now back as sports director and Augsburg will be led back to the playoff regions in the middle of the table – forward in the transition. Mitchell looks at the development of the league parallels to national team. “If I like it, it doesn’t go as well as you lose. He has made himself aware of the game and viewed it through his wins. This installation applies to the League.” Since the Erfolge der Nationalmannschaft – Silber bei Olympia 2018 und der WM 2023 – ohne a strong League was not conceivable.

Improvement proposals are no longer possible. Solange is one of the few things that play in the NHL sector, which will remain meier in the coming years from Mannheim, Munich or Berlin in 2015. After Mr. Alexander Oblinger had delved even further, he glorified Alexander Oblinger. So in 2014, the Ingolstadt on the Platz is new during the play-offs behind the title. Since 2010, Panther is in the final. “When everything is over, a herausforderer can be a favorite schlag and doormarschieren”, said Oblinger. In Augsburg it is so that after the vergangen both a own business to become bergauf.