
Michel Barnier: Aufrecht in the Sackgasse

Michel Barnier: Aufrecht in the Sackgasse

Gerade was greatly appreciated by Gutes Michel BarnierFrance’s new prime minister. The 73-year-olds are gilded as serious, experienced, friendly, loyal. Only that is a funny truth, that no one can develop. While the time I knew long, Barnier began his Amtszeit with a period.

On September 5, the Presidents of the President will do some wonderful things on Barnier in the Courtyard of the Hotel Matignon, of the Parisian heads of government of the Prime Ministers. The vote is raked, the red cloth is rolled out, the helmets of the Republican Gardens are shining – the political situation can be determined, but the Protocol sits. Next to Barnier stands Gabriel Attalsignal Vorgänger. Everything is possible for the Amtsübergabe.