
France: Macron Poker has an EU commissioner post in the country

France: Macron Poker has an EU commissioner post in the country

Thierry Breton
Polit Theater and EU Posts irritate Franzosen

EU President Ursula von der Leyen and French President Emmanuel Macron at a meeting in May

EU President Ursula von der Leyen and French President Emmanuel Macron at a meeting in May


EU Commissioner Breton tritt about a world through a Vertrauten Macron ersetzt – a personal wechsel, der in Frankreich for unruhe-sorgt: Wer bestimmt, wen das Land nach Brüssel schickt?

A “Psychodrama” of Radio France was played in Brussels during the days. Common is the backlash of the French EU Commissioner Thierry Breton – beziehungsweise: dessen Rauswurf. Ursula von der Leyen, chair of the EU Commission, has abandoned her intentions to treat Franzosen in full, one of the best critiques, so the French lesart. If that is so: Germany is putting its dominant position in the EU under Beweis and France in service.

Was also passed? At the end of July, the world seemed in the Order: the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has made a proposal for the appointment of the EU Commissioner Breton for multi-year nomination. It is not Ursula von der Leyen, who separates the Bewerber der Mitgliedsstaaten, but she can be Vorschläge able. It is important that you are the personal Redebedarf person. And such a hint was said by Thierry Bretons breiten Schultern and this Chair.

A Wutausbruch – and harsh criticism from France

Bereits vor Tagen, so now it is the case that Breton is under siege, the zwischen van der Leyen and Macron are being attacked. With a hasty start on “X” the transition from Thierry Breton was lost and the assembly was completely empty. From the meaning of the words “aus personal Gründen” aus dem Weg räumen, schäumte Breton in seinem Statement. Ohne “diese Gründe direkt” with my instructions for eating. It is a “weifelhafte Regierungsführung”. A real Wutausbruch. And a harsh criticism.

Keine Verlängerung: France's ehemaliger and more powerful EU Commissioner Thierry Breton must be

Keine Verlängerung: France’s ehemaliger and more powerful EU Commissioner Thierry Breton must be

© IP3press / IMAGO

Thierry Breton, 69, Minister of War Economy under Jacques Chirac and high-ranking company manager. One of the Alphatiers and a man who was not so white, was actually bigger: his wealth or his ego. His compromise brought in France the Ruf an Ungetüms a – above all, because at last the former state company France Télécom had am Wickel. In the event that the function of the EU Commissioner for the internal market and the service-providing Breton translation was not interpreted as well as the interest of France, was wiederum ganz gut ankam.

We could see it as a notoriously small brachiales for French industrial policy in Europe – and as one of the power-hungry Germans Ursula von der Leyen on the finger. If Macron gets into power, most French people will exclude the president as Schwäche: Madame von der Leyen now publicly dictates so that France comes to Brussels!

No terrible obligations

But there is no secret either: The relationship between the President of the Commission and Thierry Breton was particularly heartfelt. Unrestricted speculation by the French on their posts. There is talk of a European people’s party, which has the CDU fear and direct leadership of the Leyen: There is no own party in the new candidacy that is in the Frühjahr. In August, Breton hates the following things, we are the X-Chef Elon Musk who likes to talk to Donald Trump: the platform that is used in the EU will have little potential to be spread. The entsprechende guideline that shows itself through other Breton thoughts. What do you think of the Selbstdarstellung? Would you have an uncontrollable temperament?

I think that Emmanuel Macron and Ursula von der Leyen can let go of the Sache in a uniquely elegant way. The Commission President can raise the Frauenanteil in his Commission. If it is now like this with the woman in the future: Theoretically it will be – if a job is free, it will be a man, but a good thing. The President of the France could not put forward a single candidate for the found Commission. Because that was also difficult for him: According to Gattin Brigitte, Macron’s betrayer Kreis mittlerweile nahezu ausnahmlos out of manners.

Sure, there are a few ministers and with Elisabeth Borne, who have a Regierungschefin. If you have such a good trip “En Marche”, this is more or less one of the Jungs-Club-zusammengeschrumpft. To this we have Begin and Stéphane Séjourné. There is non Thierry Breton disappeared. Nor such a personal, die in France for a high-ranking augenbrauen-sorgt: Dass Macrons Parteichef will stay in the Außen- and Europeminister-war, how man in the country could also be – so discreet is his job out.

There is a great Breton story who has become one of the main representatives of Macron – while the last time is a balancing act, both will be affected: Ursula von der Leyen and the President of France.

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