
Be warned about dangerous TikTok trend!

Be warned about dangerous TikTok trend!

United States – Leave more children and youth in the room US wollen in the secret microwelle sogenannte “Glassfrüchte” machen and sich dabei schwer – gelernt haben si es wohl bei TikTok. Mittlerweile warns against the “Glass Fruit” trend.

Koch-influencer Jasmine and Tea führt for, how Zuckerwasser in the Mikrowelle erhitzt and darin Früchte taucht.

Koch-influencer Jasmine and Tea führt for, how Zuckerwasser in the Mikrowelle erhitzt and darin Früchte taucht. © Editing: TikTok/Jasmine and Tea

The children had a Zucker-Wasser-Lösung in the Mikrowelle, if they bought, then the Früchte hinein and freuen über the Crunch.

If the own trend is right, there is nothing new, the message is “New York Post”. So published the Shriners Children’s Hospital in Boston at the end of August a final warning.

Innerhalb von nur two weeks has man two small patients treated müssen, who themselves with the purchases Mischung hätten.

Braut walks altes Secondhand-Kleid in Hochzeitsdress: Das Ergebnis astonishes all
Braut walks altes Secondhand-Kleid in Hochzeitsdress: Das Ergebnis astonishes all

Make sure you cook on social media when it comes to comments. In a video, TikTokerin Jasmine and Tea in April teilte and that made 20 Millionen Mal aufgerufen wurde, recognize the Influencerin, who man Glasfrüchte – a Chinese Specialty – in the secret Microwelle zubereiten can.

If you work, the Zucker-Wasser-Mischung in 30-Sekunden-Takt en wa fun Minuten zu erhitzen, bis sie bought. My Anschluss was Früchte in de Flussigkeit getaucht en zum Aushärten beiseitelegt.

However, if you use spritzing sugar water, you risk burning your own three grades. If you contact us more and enter the black world, a man can find himself in a thrift store.

Glasfrüchte is often used as real delicious biscuits. If you restore yourself with one of the Zuckerkruste products, you can get the chance to restore. (Symbol image)

Glasfrüchte is often used as real delicious biscuits. If you restore yourself with one of the Zuckerkruste products, you can get the chance to restore. (Symbol image) © By Andrewhaimerl, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

“Wenn Zucker was aware of the problem in the microwave world, which is a very high temperature,” Surgeon Colleen Ryan said on the program.

“And if there is any destruction, it is likely that there will be a lot of destruction. If the man were to lose his suppe, if it were the ground of the Zuckers’ property, it would be likely that there would be a lot of destruction. Children or young people could schnell nach dem Topf or der Schüssel greifen und die heiße Flüssigkeit spritzt (…) auf sie”, warnt die Ärztin.

Also in the USA as well as in other countries we are happy to be happy with the purchase trends reported.