
PTI links constitutional amendment talks to Imran Khan’s release

PTI links constitutional amendment talks to Imran Khan’s release

PTI links constitutional amendment talks to Imran Khan’s release

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) senior leader Ali Muhammad Khan has called on the government to release party founder Imran Khan from Adiala jail before starting negotiations on constitutional amendments.

Addressing the media in Islamabad on Wednesday, Ali Muhammad outlined the PTI’s position, saying: “First release Imran Khan from jail and then we can discuss constitutional amendments.” He added that any approval of amendments must be accompanied by the restoration of the public mandate.

The PTI chief questioned the legitimacy of the process and asked: “How can a constitutional amendment be passed by an incomplete parliament?” He also raised concerns over the role of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) in the process and criticised PPP leader Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari. “It is unfortunate that the grandson is undermining the constitution that his grandfather drafted,” he noted.

Hamid Khan, who was present during the conversation, reinforced PTI’s stand on the judiciary by saying, “We recognise only the Supreme Court. Justice Mansoor Ali Shah is the legitimate Chief Justice and no one else is acceptable.” He added, “We will not allow the institutions to be ridiculed.”

Meanwhile, PTI founder Imran Khan has levelled serious allegations, saying the government is pushing for constitutional amendments to extend the terms of key officials, including Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa and the Chief Election Commissioner.

Speaking from Adiala Jail, Imran said: “The government, after losing previous political battles, is now amending the constitution to protect rigged elections and extend the tenure of three arbitrators.”

He also warned that if Chief Justice Isa were to be removed, investigations would be launched into the May 9 protests and alleged election fraud. “They are trying to dismantle my party,” he said, adding that more than 140 cases had been filed against him before the May 9 events and that efforts to remove him had intensified afterward.

Khan expressed concern over the delay in the investigation into the May 9 incident and said that when the new chief justice takes office, the truth about the events will come to light. He also criticized the government for undermining Pakistan’s judicial and electoral processes, citing the delay in the court’s verdicts on the February 8 elections.




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