
There is baldness in human observations of meteorite sightings

There is baldness in human observations of meteorite sightings

Meteors, Weldreum
The tern observer is seen from its signal from the southern hemisphere.
Cindy Fernandez

Cindy Fernandez Meteorized Argentinians 4 minutes

NASA’s historic DART mission, Trummer of Asteroids Dimorphos, could begin conducting meteorite spotting flights. The advance of the Space Probe on the Asteroids in September 2022 has not yet resulted in Umlaufbahn changes and a Maylenstein in the Weltraumforschung setzt, under a Trümmerwolke ins All geschleudert.

Listen briefly to The Planetary Science Journal published study can post this article in the next years if there is a response to Mars. The scientific research of the Europäische Weltraumorganisation (ESA) and more European Universities conducted studies with the Schluss, following this model, which could result in a delayed fragmentation of the gravitational fields of both planets.

A lone meteorite hunter

The authors of the study say that it is a good thing for the Sorge Gibt. The view of the Beobachtung of Meteoren, which was carried out during the DART-Einschlag, is a uregerend, but the more detailed information is available, since the smaller fragments, with higher physical properties, have been produced, which dare to be eroded. If you use the meteorite viewer you will see that it is no longer as high as the Risiko Mountains.

The fragment, the period that is there, becomes a small part of the time that the meteorological meteor show of man is observed one or one day earlier.

The fragments are small and have a breakthrough of about 10 cm. DennochGlauben Experts, one of the few sparks in the Erdatmosphäre terminal rings and the visible Meteore may be in the Southern Plain.

Michael Kueppers, ESA Science Scientist for the Hera mission, concrete, this study is an excellent location, the path of the drummer in the well-being of analyzesda “wir den genauen Einschlagsort, the ownschaften of the Impactors and the Details of the created Materials know”.

Die Hera-Mission, the Asteroids Dimorphos will arrive in the year 2026, will abschließen this Untersuchung and nor daily recognition of the end, the asteroids and those in all the history of Trümmer loves.

DART mission to the Asteroids Dimorphos

On September 26, 2022 traffic the NASA Space Probe Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)on Dimorphos, a natural satellite of the asteroid Didymos.

DART War is the first and only mission of the mission and the demonstration of a method for the Ablenkung of Asteroids during the execution of the movement in the world of kinetic steps.

The test was a lasting test. For a complete experience, it takes 11 hours and 55 minutes for a full experience. Jetzt broke through between 11 and 23 minutes with a Fehler margin of 2 minutes, one of the Wirts-Asteroiden Didymos by some of NASA’s top researchers.

Today to help die DART data from NASA and ESA, which discovered an asteroidwe get used to that Erde sister.


Eloy Peña-Asensio, Michael Küppers, Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez, Albert Rimola. “Delivery of DART impact ejecta to Mars and Earth: an opportunity for meteor observations”, The Planetary Science Journal.