
The best city for foodies: The best pizza in Rome and ramen at a star restaurant

The best city for foodies: The best pizza in Rome and ramen at a star restaurant

The best city for foodies
The best Pizza in Rom and Ramen from a Sternerestaurant

Tokyo has more Michelin Stars and more restaurants in the other city of the world.

Tokyo has more Michelin Stars and more restaurants in the other city of the world.

© Byjeng

Three-Star Restaurant or Streetfood, for Foodies the best city in the world, which will never come close again.

There is a trauma developing. Beach, nature, city or town, it is so exciting. There is a place in the Urlaube community: Essen. Jede Reise, who had the power, his new destination, was the journey that fell outside the power of one of the most important punks of the Urlaubsplanung power. The best city for foodies.

More like Gelato and Pasta in Rome

Who is bigger than the Love for Food in Rome, can watch the film “Eat Pray Love” (2010). The figure of Julia Roberts (56) traveled extra in the Italian capital, because the food here is so loved. The ranking of “Taste Atlas” is based on the city with the best food in the world. I am of the opinion that it is natural to eat the Italian classic pizza and pasta. This meal takes place in a fast restaurant in the “Ewigen Stadt”. It is a credible and traditional noodle court in the sense of “Tonnarelli Cacio e Pepe”. It is a question of a different art of spaghetti with Roman cheese and pfeffer.

If you prefer pizza, then you will find restaurants that are available in different varieties. The Roman Pizza is unterscheidet sich zur neapolitanischen Art dadurch, that of the Teig and Rand is thin and cozy since. The best “Pizza Romana” is in “Seu Pizza Illuminati”. Das Restaurant is ranked among the best pizzerias in the world on the Platz. The “Pizza Al Taglio” is the Street Food version of the pizza: square, dick, a quick jeder Straße Roms that you find and press directly on the hand. Neben der Form unterscheidet sich im Belag: Kartoffeln, Mortadella und Salat ist für diese Art von Pizza üblich. Feinschmecker und Kritiker empfehlen für die “Al Taglio” in Rom under “Pizzarium Bonci”.

Wer Süßspeisen liebt, hat in Rom die Qual der Wahl. For all the rest, restaurants are popular among locals and tourists. At “Mr. 100 Tiramisu” the name is displayed – a number of different types of Tiramisu. Auch the “Gelateria della Palma” can see in Sachen Auswahl. The römisch Eisdiele-bietet 150 Eissorten is a problem with Römern and Feinschmeckern larger beliefs.

Rom is a highlight, Italian Essen was a great place for foodies. Restaurants and other countries can go to the “Ewigen Stadt”.

Promi-Pizza and Hot Dogs in New York.

Kaum another city of the world was so popular in New York. There are 23,000 restaurants located in the city, 67 days with a Michelin star restaurant. New Yorker classics with hamburgers or hot dogs are well known, restaurants with “Nathan’s Famous” have their hot dogs cult status. Darüber has found a feinschmecker in New York after Food Trucks Ausschau. These owners are increasingly confident and offer a rich assortment of Tacos to Falafel and.

If you have made the pizza yourself, you have your own variation on the oriental cuisine. The pizza in New York style is a thick and crunchy edge and the stick is cut wider. We also believe that the pizza of “Lucali” have become the stars of Beyoncé (42) and Jay-Z (54). A restaurant has the New York and New York cuisine under the title “Katz’ Deli” in Manhattan. In the nice generation can be played the best Pastrami-Sandwich der Welt of New Yorker.

Tokyo is the Gourmet and Street Food Kingdom

In most Stadt der Welt there are so many restaurants with other Michelin stars in Tokyo. The Wolkenkratzer and Restaurants der Stadt offer plenty of options for more fine dining – Kaiseki genannt. You can choose from different types of beets under other Wagyu-Rindfleisch an, that is the highest quality Fleischsorten at the Market zählt. I have found a Michelin-starred “Towa” which is a fine dining experience with classic Kaiseki-Küche and Wagyu-oriented genius.

Beim Casual Dining – Izayaki genannt – haben Foodies in Tokyo a riesige Auswahl. Laut “CNN”, Tokyo is the best city in the world for street food after Bangkok. From local hits with omurice (with travel-filled omelette) and kare (Japanese hühner curry) with classic sushi and ramen gibt es in the street Tokyos everything, the Herz eines Fans der Japanese Küche was gehrt. If the Ramen are available from the Suppe, the man in the Vorbeigehen löffeln kann, bis zu den vom Guide Michelin empfohlenen Ramen des “Iruca Tokyo” in Stadtteil Roppongi.

Paradies for Fish-Foodies in Lisbon

As soon as Lisbon with 17 Michelin star restaurants has a large amount of money, a feinschmeckerlokalen is found, making an informal dinner and street food interesting. Deshalb is one of the many snack bars and restaurants in Portugal. Für Feinschmecker is a fact, in the Portuguese Hauptstadt Essen must be found.

A dessert that of course does not exist: Every snack bar, every bakery, every supermarket and every restaurant in Lisbon with “Pastéis de Nata” in the assortment. The Blätterteig Törtchen is filled with a delicious cream and the Portuguese classic taste.

But also for fish lovers Lisbon is completely on the holiday list. The Lisbon people love fish, sea fruits and above all stock fish. The so-called Bacalhau do not find a man in the fast Lisbon restaurant, the fish offer, but in the supermarket. In the event that you often go with fish, or in the salt, eat and cook. Apropos einglegt: Thanks to the “Conserveira de Lisboa”, which quickly lasts 100 years off the coast of Lisbon’s canned fish offer, Lisbon is for the fish delicacies from the dosebekannt.

A place in Lisbon, when the feinschmecker no longer comes to the market, is the “Timeout Market”. In a Halle there are more than 25 restaurants, jewels in a small kitchen and high-quality dishes. From the Portuguese classic with the Bifana-Sandwich or the Kirschlikör Ginjinha, which is traditionally prepared with a Schokoladenbecher, his French Patisserie and Italian Desserts from the Food Court have all become feinschmeckerherz.
