
TELUS Digital start weltweites Rebranding

TELUS Digital start weltweites Rebranding

Humanity-in-the-Loop-Prinzipien demonstrates the Einsatz of the Unternehmens for a responsible Nutzung von KI

TELUS Digital Experience (TELUS Digital) (NYSE and TSX: TIXT) has received an official name for its rebranding that includes changing its name from TELUS International to TELUS Digital. The new name reflects the companies’ solutions to develop a Digital-First Customer Experience that delivers fluid digital integration, AI-driven and human interactions, and optimizes customer journeys and employee experiences.

This press conference resulted in a multimedia inhalation. The complete Mitteilung can be found here:

The installation at TELUS Digital takes place on August 2. Jason Macdonnell is named acting CEO of TELUS Digital and president of TELUS Digital Customer Experience, from Tobias Dengel as president of TELUS Digital Solutions. The next role opens on September 3. Jason is responsible for leading the Customer Engagement, Customer Engagement, Cost Efficiency and Digital Transformation efforts. Tobias has been appointed to the Company’s Digital and Generative AI Strategy, a best-in-class solution for Digital, GenAI and AI modeling.

“Since its founding in 2005 and until its rebranding, TELUS Digital has developed a new position in the global Customer Experience affiliate and is grateful for the sophisticated technology, know-how and commitment our teams have gained with a trusted partner for the world’s largest and most disruptive brands,” reports Jason Macdonnell, President, TELUS Digital Customer Experience. “With the most official solutions in TELUS Digital, you can name our range and deliver innovative solutions that improve the overall Customer Journey, overcome business challenges, reduce risks, protect people and enable continuous forward movement.”

TELUS Digital is optimally positioned, one of the dynamic AI-enabled applications you need

I am the strategy of TELUS Digital, which continues to develop new technologies. The activities set out by the Expansion Plane KI-gestützten Aktivitäten fort, die in the first years of 2024, around 15 zum Gesamtumsatz beitrugen and gegenüber dem Vorjahr ein Wachstum von 13 therezielten. Zum Angebot des Unternehmens gehören KI-Datenlösungen, an algorithm for machine learning to train, test, validate and optimize, the natural display and Computervision, digital Front-End-Design on the Grundlage innovative UX/UI-Konzepte and digital Beratungsleistungen, een modern KI-anwendungsfälle from Whiteboard in functional prototypes of überführen.

In April, the Company Fuel iX launched a new GenAI engine with the development of digital transformation, which improved efficiency and scalability and made the experience sweet. I follow the market operation of Fuel EX. These investments in the production and research of fuel, which is based on Fuel iX, say that the quality of the onternehmens, constantly disappearing problems, the evolving Anforderungen more modern Company dishes become.

“With a high level of quality and integration in the digital design and organization, AI data service and customer-centric CX service, the skills can be specified and the joint Customer Journey can be realized, which can take on a unique form in the CX industry,” says Tobias Dengel, President of TELUS Digital Solutions. “When the market development organization of the digital economy is concerned with knitting and long-term expansion of activities with AI and other transformative technologies on the borders, there is a different insight. It is one of the best things that our internal culture can bring to our strategic soul. Therefore, our A stronger management policy has made the highest priority of bringing a team together and the tragedy that the people at the center of their company have received. a fürsorgliche culture is reflected more broadly, the fundamental values ​​​​let companies hear.”

In the latest release in TELUS Digital, the company also puts forward its Humanity-in-the-Loop principles. These principles are based on the foundation of the team and the team, a responsible company for the company, implementation, use and management of AI are followed. If you want great flexibility, it is the continuous development of AI, a new AI application target and the setzgebung that is one of the best experiences.

A long list of prestigious awards and international prizes

In the publication of the year that TELUS Digital has published, rankings and analysis by non-affiliated organizations, a position as a well-known industry association is fetigen. To the youngest successors heard:

  • Designation as leader of the Everest Group PEAK Matrix for CXM Services Americas at the next annual Folge
  • Best Informational Bot Solution for AI Breakthrough Awards in four years in the next generation of AI breakthroughs, technology and products that run a Globus
  • Weltweit erstes Unternehmen, das nach Privacy by Design (ISO 31700-1) zertifiziert wird, for the Unterstützung of the TELUS GenAI-Kundensupport-Tools durch Fuel iX, seine GenAI-Engine for Unternehmen
  • Nomination for the groundbreaking Techquity Innovation Award from HLTH for the AI-powered mobile app Vocable, the non-verbal, sounds and background people experience when they are making head movements and speech
  • View the IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 list in the eighth years in history, as one of the best CX providers after Größe and Wachstum, Kundenreferenzen, Auszeichnungen and Zertifizierungen as well as Program for Innovation and CSR

I am going to start the rebranding as TELUS Digital organization that does not want to offer any company name or the Börsenkürzels (TIXT). More information about TELUS Digital and an overview of the different services and solutions at

About TELUS Digital

TELUS Digital (NYSE TSX: TIXT) has designed and researched the knowledge and ability to execute digital transformations that last. We since die Marke behind the Marken. Our team members are involved in the management of the products and services of our customers and our visionary technology experts, who are prepared to develop our customer journey and develop further innovations sisters. There is a portfolio with extensive digital expertise and digital software, digital IT services with cloud solutions and AI-driven automation, trust and security services, AI data services and computer vision expertise offering digital front-end design and consulting services. Fuel iX is TELUS Digital’s proprietary GenAI engine, which has developed the Hearthstone program for innovation processes. If you have another alternative, your GenAI pilot project is fast, and a responsible approach to more environments, applications and clouds helps to function of prototypes and their production range of supervisors.

TELUS Digital leverages technology, human-centered quest spirit and empathy as a great way to ensure inclusive, prosperous communities in the region that thrive. I hope that Humanity-in-the-Loop principles will provide a responsible approach to the development and implementation of transformative technologies, in exchange for more comprehensive outcomes that work can address and improve. Learn more at:

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TELUS Digital Investor Relations
Olena Lobach

[email protected]

TELUS Digital Media Relations

Ali Wilson

[email protected]