
Rheinmetall presents itself in the new Ybrig Luftabwehr system

Rheinmetall represents the new Ybrig Luftabwehr system – senior military personnel in Canton Schwyz to be seen

The German Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall rührte auf dem Testareal Ochsenboden with the great Kelle an. A greater Secrethaltung presentation is a new Luftabwehrsystem.

Letzten Wintermacht Rheinmetall in Ochsenboden first tests with the waffen system.

Letzten Wintermacht Rheinmetall in Ochsenboden first tests with the waffen system.

Screenshot: Youtube

On the Schiessgelände Ochsenboden in Studen, het Woche ranghohe Militärvertreter aus verschiedenen Nationen versammelt. The signal from the Rheinmetall-konzern is a new attack on the Drohnenabwehr system. Dafür was specifically blocked by the Golfplatz.

“Heute ist gar nichts”, says the Mitarbeiter a private Security Service at Mittwoch kurz and knapp one of the Tür zum geschlossenen Golfplatz-Restaurant in Ochsenboden. Whoever is on the Montag is busy managing the Golfplatz. The tag is gone. “I don’t have any experience with it,” wondered one Stammspieler.

The Security Service has a lot of the local Verkehr am Testgelände vorbei.

The Security Service has a lot of the local Verkehr am Testgelände vorbei.

Photo: Geri Holdener (Oberiberg, 18. 9. 2027)

Friendly, it is best to find a ​​​secret stay in the area. Our passions in the minute-stroke shuttle bus are the entrance to the adjacent test areas of RWM Schweiz AG, the former Oerlikon Contraves Pyrotec, today in the hands of the German Rustungskonzerns Rheinmetall. As a man on the Mittwoch has loaded a hundred guests on the Schiessplatzgelände in Studen.

Vom Luxushotel directly to Ochsenboden

Auch ohne Golfbetrieb war der Parkplatz geappelt voll. Rund ein Dutzend schwarze Mercedes-Busse with Zürcher and Berner Kennzeichen were abgestellt, daneben Fahrzeuge from Deutschland, Transporter der Schweizer Armee and Wagen with Diplomatennummern. Entlang der Ochsenbodenstrasse stands fünf Reisecars bereit, een chartert vom Zürcher 5-Sterne-Hotel Park Hyatt.

After information about “Boats” Rheinmetall experiences in the air defense system “Oerlikon Skyranger 30” in live deployment a wide audience. Internal tests are fun in the winter. The Rheinmetall AG honors light damasks in a video.

Heartpiece of the Skyranger System is a 35-millimeter revolver cannon, the target in the air target can hit, and wa aircraft, helicopters and special drones. By the Skyranger 30 there are advanced radar and infrared sensors developed, a whole dry warmer will quickly recognize and remove. The system can use a high-energy laser and a very powerful laser. The Reichsweite is located at four kilometers, it is on the product website. The mobile Luftabwehr system can on the last year a first experience – the German Bundeswehr – be granted. It is interesting when it comes to the Armenians of Austria, Ungarn, Denmark and Lithuania.

Während de Präsentationen im Ochsenboden war in der Luft das Surren von Drohnen nicht zu überhören. Gleichzeitig war am Mittwoch im Schweizer Luftraum-Bulletin für Privatpiloten das Areaal Ochsenboden als Gefahrengebiet deklariert. The war of war is not verboten, but at a height of 900 meters above the ground, all offers with schiessbetrieb can be rechnet.

All that happened is that Rheinmetall this week made an international publication in the new generation of the Drohnenabwehr in the frost mode of the Scharfen mode. The Rüstungskonzern from Düsseldorf is an editorial closure with more media fragments of the «Boten»-keine Stellung.

«Keine Lieferungen in Konfliktregionen»

No more than six kilometers from the shooting range lives Marcel Dettling, chairman of the SVP Switzerland. Who sees the inschenierung, de facto a recruitment campaign for German weapons on neutral Swiss soil, while there is a million euros? A distinction is made on the photo of the ‘bones’: ‘The RWM is a larger and larger argument in an unknown region. Zudem is the rust industry that has a larger scope of health care and the neutral neutrality of Switzerland. » The National Council has said the following: “If there is criticism of the material, the direct sources in the conflict region are reached. It is never vereinbar with der Neutralität. »

So the theme of Ukraine comes unweigerlich on the Tisch. Rheinmetall hat in seinen Publikationen zum Skyranger 30 die Ukraine nicht uitlichting als Interesten aufgelistet. Indeed, it is true that Ukraine gains the greatest power, while the breaks in Russia are interrupted. The fact is that: The German Rüstungskonzern has since 2022 a severe military crisis for the Ukrainian Military.

Before you do this, you will end up in the cantonal parliament. SVP cantonal councillor Adolf Fässler, Unteriberg, is setting up a small attack these years. Before the background of neutrality is wollte, the cantonal representation of the tests in the Ochsenboden-überprüfe. Who cantonal councillor Fässler writes, “operates the armour group and the forward front in the Ukrainian war as war material supplier of offensive weapon systems for the war parties against Russia and profit from the war”. The Schwyzer government works in the savory on the Bund, for the control of the test centres that give a good result. The responsibility for environmental protection and energy is also important for the health and safety of the disaster regulations. These were periodically authorized for Betriebskontullen.