
A few minutes after the start of Stefan Raab’s new Show is the most frustrating

A few minutes after the start of Stefan Raab’s new Show is the most frustrating

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The interest and “You won’t win the Million here with Stefan Raab” is very big. No discount is at your expense.

Köln – Nur wenige Tage nach seinem Boxkampf against Regina Halmich (47) Stefan Raab (57) received at his new Arbeitgeber RTL during TV-Comeback. This did not appear in the Fernsehen, on Wednesday (September 18) on the streaming service RTL+. But der Auftakt verlief for manche Abonneten weitaus little inheritance reulich as planted.

Weil nichts läuft: Streaming-Zuschauer roads Stefan Raab’s new Show frustriert

It is idiosyncratic everything for one of the following shows: for „So here you win the Million at Stefan Raab“ which the entertainer of the long „TV total“-House band zum Kölner Sender drawn. Entspeakable nostalgic mutate the beginning of the Sendung an: Raab sings a new hit “Pa aufs Maul” and then sorts a good piece surprising with all kinds of things and Seitenhieben for etliche Lacher.

Davon comments on one of the most recent posts with: Stefan Raabs’ interest is not as great as the streaming experience is. There may be fans who stick around during the stream, but the picture quality is less good. Bei manchen will die before it is started first. “Do you still have a problem with the stream?” or “Is it a matter of time, how are you?”, experts are more RTL+ users on Instagram. A man who has the hope ready to have: “If that is so long, I have no desire anymore”, is said in a comment.

Technical problems ruin Stefan Raab’s final show position at RTL+

Auf X bietet sich ein ähnliches Bild: „Was this denn für ein Rotz, RTL+? Two minutes of views, two separate streams in the Wechsel. And jetzt is no longer worth it. If not, power is another way the Air Force can manifest itself. If the problem is still not solved, it may be a technical problem (vorerst): “Ein Glück hát ich noch nichts gezahlt”, so a Nutzer.

If you say ‘You won’t win the Million here with Stefan Raab’, the free time is interrupted, parallel flickers spread across the new show, you see a mass with ‘TV total’ and ‘Schlag den Raab’. Dabei herrscht Uneinigkeit. „Raab ist immer noch die Nummer eins“, is a Fan, a different widespricht entschieden: „I have selten so little laughter.“ But auch der Kampf vom Samstag ist noch in aller Munde: Nach diesem hatte Regina Halmich ofen Kritik an Stefan Raab geäußert. Resources used: “You won here not the Million with Stefan Raab” (RTL/RTL+, Folge 1),,