
Fruit Attraction feels the greatest growth in Madrid’s growth and positioning as a global epicentre of the Fruit and Vegetable industry

Fruit Attraction feels the greatest growth in Madrid’s growth and positioning as a global epicentre of the Fruit and Vegetable industry

September 19, 2024

From 8 to 10 October, the Fruit Attraction of 16 August will take place with a large art programme for active exhibitions and as a reference exhibition for the sector on the world market Consolidate Ebene. Die von IFEMA MADRID und FEPEX organisierte Messe mit Andalusien als Gastregion, hat mit 2,146 ausstellenden Unternehmen from 56 Ländern the highest Beteiligung in ihrer Geschichte verzeichnet,

Photo © FEPEX

The aim of a survey is that 7% of the Vorjahr, 70,000 Quadratmetern Ausstellungsfläche and der warteten Teilnahme von more than 100,000 Fachbesuchern aus 145 Ländern.

In the 10th Halls of the Madrid Messages about the Breite Palette and Gemüssangebotsdieser Ausgabe beherbergen, a first of the Belegung was a more than 9% in the issue of 2023. On this Weise the Fruit Attraction 2024 the Stadt Madrid zum weltweiten Epizentrum for the marketing of fresh goods.

These positive results see the interest of fruit and vegetable sectors in the sector and the large sector and sector sector for the financing of the fruit attraction as a great legend for the international market and as a meeting point for all kinds of charitable activities igten Fachleute.

With the favorable power of the Bereich Frisian product quickly 70% of the Messe out, with an Anstieg der Ausstellungsflache um 6% in Vergleich zum Vorjahr, anyway of the Bereich Hilfsindustrie, of 24% auspower and an Anstieg of 4% verzeichnet.

Der Bereich Frischelogistiek verzeichnete benfalls een Zuwachs von more as 26%. Now in those years, the Halle 1 of the Innova&Tech has been renovated, the new Region, the Sectors Biotech Attraction and Smart Agro are united and an Unternehmen für Innovation, Research and complicated Entwicklung focused.

The national protection power 55% of the Messe aus. The large Spanish market as Weltmarktführer in Obst- und Gemüsektor mirrors itself in the Präsenz quickly all autonomous Gemeinschaften wider, the Land Obst and Gemüse produzieren, was the Fruit Attraction as a kind of instrument for Schaffung van Geschäftsmöglichkeiten and Zugang for new international markets.

Also the international segment is a German investment. If this has 45% of the equity investments in a favorable location, there is a value of 22.5% of the Ausstellungsfläche. If the Aussteller has reached a value of 18%, it will value 102 new Enternehmen.

One of the most important fruit attractions is a platform for the international expansion and nutrition of the beets. In this active IFEMA MADRID in the sector with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and ICEX erneut the International Buyers Programme, which 700 buyers from 70 countries are represented, the Messegeschaft was a next to Dynamik verleht.

Fruit Attraction continues with the commercial inspiration of that market and the land, which is developed through a circulation program with the running of the market and B2B- Zitzungen.

The avocado is a star product of its kind, which offers more initiatives on the superfood concentrates, which in Spain in recent years earn as much money as the export of German dairy products. Discover the meeting of the Messe of the Global Avocado Congress and the Walnut and Pecan Congress statt.

This is a complete program with the Biofruit Congress, the Biotech Attraction and the 5thFresh Food Logistic The Summit.

The Innovation Hub is a company that has developed the innovation and business activities in this sector and has quickly developed 40 products. When the Innovation Hub Awards are presented, it is an important election of another initiative in the sector. For the first time, the Fruit Attraction will give the prize for the best standverleihen.

The Fruit Attraction 2024 will be held under the auspices of Minister Luis Planas and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.


Release date: 19.09.2024