
Hannah Schnegelberger ordained the first Pfarrerin

Hannah Schnegelberger ordained the first Pfarrerin

19.09.24 – The Pfarrei Queck has been given a meaningful and festive tag: The ordination of Hannah Schnegelberger as a Pfarrerin. As the first Frau in the History of the Pfarrei, the service is now in the Gemeinden Queck, Rimbach, Ober-Wegfurth, Sandlofs, Unter-Schwarz and Unter-Wegfurth.

Pfarrerin Hannah Schnegelberger and Pröpstin Dr. Anke Spory writes together …

Dekanin Dr. Dorette Seibert would like to spend time in the church.

Pröpstin Dr. Anke Spory segnet Hannah Schnegelberger während der feierlichen Ordination …

Tag’s son started with a celebration of Gottesdienst in the full-fledged Kirche von Queck, musical accompaniment for the Gesang des Singkreises Queck under the direction of Ellen Moogk, the Posaunenchor Queck under the direction of Jonas Emmerich, as well as Organist Mario Stucki. Pröpstin für Oberhessen, Dr. Anke Spory, hob in the Speech die Bedeutung der Ordination hervor: “Die Ordination ist eine lebenslange Beauftragung, die unabhängig von Ort und Zeit besteht. Sie, liebe Frau Schnegelberger, übernehmen die Verkündigung des Evangeliums en sind beauftragt, de Abendmahl und de Taufe are feiern. Dr. Spory has taken note of the Biblical descriptions, which often think that he has been robbed, but that he himself has never made a mistake “I have robbed man of the impermanence and the limit – there is no more perfection , the son of man, who changes and develops himself”, thus the Pröpstin.

Pfarrerin Hannah Schnegelberger, Pfarrerin Melanie Pflanz and Pfarrer Gerrit Boomgaarden …

Pfarrerin Schnegelberger: “Heaven has a plan for me” In her preaching part Hannah Schnegelberger a personal end goal in his own history of robbery. If you send a message of Moments, while you are busy, “that God has a plan for you”, as said, “at first not on a runway in theology thought”. “Don’t worry, child – heaven has a plan for you”, look at the song of the band “Swedish House Mafia”, which started a few years ago and in the strength of God’s leadership trust. If you see the Biblical history of Jacob and the blessing with God and concrete, “if heaven is often more than good, man will be sure”. “Since this moment, in the man’s life, everything is possible – the moment, the gratefulness and the wisdom of it, is the plan for our own life,” said Schnegelberger. There are authentic and moving images of a larger group and a broader world, where the right Wahl is for the Schlitzerland.

The Singkreis, led by Ellen Moogk, provides moving songs …

Grußworte und Geschenke zum Neubeginn Neben de offiziellen Reason gab es zahlreiche Grußworte and Ansprachen, de Schnegelberger auf ihrem new Weg bestärkten. Dekans des Evangelischen Dekanats Vogelsberg, Dr. Dorette Seibert, concrete in his own speech: “Frau Schnegelberger has their own happiness, their proof service here in Schlitzerland will be absolved. Since they work together with the Church communities, they will come back and bring new Impulse. heissen.” Thank you for doing this, for meeting the Ruhestand of Pfarrer Pierre Bouvain during the Second World War through the joint Kirchenvorstandsmitgliedern and Pfarrer Toralf Kretschmer from Grebenau, who was underground.

Pierre Bouvain, Pfarrer in Ruhestand and the Vorgänger von Hannah Schnegelberger, congratulated ebenfalls herezlich. In the Grußwort-blickte is een own era als Pfarrer in der Pfarrei Queck zurück. Now we are happy with the community, with the Pfarrerin Schnegelberger zum ersten Mal eine Frau in der Pfarrei Queck zu haben, sagte there. Schnegelberger’s Ordination is the first woman in the Pfarrei Queck – a historic moment that can no longer be spoken of. When the Reformation began in 1554, stattgefunden were consecrated in Queck, it is one of the Ereignis-bedeutendes. Bouvain discovered that the Pfarrer often spent years in the Pfarrei-wirkt and loved, “as a result of Hannah Schnegelberger anknüpfen this Tradition”.

The mayor of Burgenstadt Schlitz, Heiko Siemon (CDU), would like to make an overview of his symbolic box with information about the Schlitzerland and a canoe voucher for a tour through the Fulda during the Schlitzerland, the Schnegelberg is worth his life Study time leads gerne sportlich auf dem Wasser bewegt. “We’ll see what the tag looks like – and you’ll get a new life,” says Siemon.

A newcomer to the Pfarrei Queck, a new world began in the Pfarrei Queck with the ordination of Hannah Schnegelberg. The Kirchengemeinde is happy with the Zusammenarbeit with its new Pfarrerin, the fuller Tatendrang and fresher Ideas ist. “I am not very familiar with the nature and people in Vogelsberg since I am very good at it,” says Schnegelberger. The beautiful sounds in the festlich geschmückten Pfarrgarten aus, wo sich all Beteiligten bei a reichhaltigen Buffet über de gelungenen Tag and the Joy über the new Pfarrerin austrauschten. The Pfarrei Queck now looks forward to enjoying the future and is looking forward to some great years of Zusamenarbeit with Pfarrerin Hannah Schnegelberger. (pm/cdg) +++