
Writing in the Chancellor’s Office: Olaf Scholz has a job for life | Politics

Writing in the Chancellor’s Office: Olaf Scholz has a job for life | Politics

Wollen Sie diesen Mann as new chef?

There is Anwalt from Hamburg. Living in Potsdam. Grinst gerne mal schlumpfig. Is 66 years old and a hobby Ruderer. There is a lot of guesswork Chancellor. A government of the country since 2021 with a coalition from the sea SPDhollow Greens and the VDP.

Bee Olaf Scholz (SPD) is still a free company: As Secret (here is the description). A man can now do his work in the SPD-Zentrale (of Willy-Brandt-Haus). Befristet bis zum End des Bundestagswahlkampfs. Gesucht would not come to the end of the Monats.

Olaf Scholz (66, SPD) at a Discussion

Olaf Scholz (66, SPD) at a Discussion

Photo: ddp/Geisler/Frederic Kern

What’s going on?

◼︎Termination coordination and conflict management

◼︎Travel management

◼︎Termindurchführung und Begleitung

◼︎Erstellung von Schriftstücken und Präsentationen

◼︎allgemeine Sekretariatsaufgaben (also Kaffee Kochen für den Kanzler?)

Is this profile suitable for you?

◼︎Erfahrung im Büromanagement

◼︎Own initiative and structured work practices

◼︎Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Durchsetzungsvermögen (ob der Chef who can serve as Vorbild?)

◼︎Taxability and flexibility

◼︎Hands-on, listening-oriented and active in the environment that you can use.

What is content does not enter into the writing. We must take direct charge of the Chancellor’s activities. “Attractive” will be the approval but its being.

The SPD is working for the job with “an exciting and exciting business theme with larger issues”. Also the Chancellor-Influencer to be? A “good business climate” is also.

I am connected to the Chancellor’s office. In the party center, in the Bundestag and in the Chancellor’s office. Offensively, the better stops.

And – were you hired?