
A traveler Candidat for Kanzleramt: Welche Stärken und Schwächen hat Friedrich Merz? – Hintergrund Politik – Nachrichten und Aktuelles

A traveler Candidat for Kanzleramt: Welche Stärken und Schwächen hat Friedrich Merz? – Hintergrund Politik – Nachrichten und Aktuelles

By Thomas Vitzthum, RNZ Berlin

Berlin. Now every day counts. Friedrich Merz (CDU) uses his service for a vergiärfter beobachtung. That is so. Candidates in the Lauerstellung are or more tatsächlich with such a Chancellor candidate of the Union, that is a greater Unterschied. If it is so, it is more a Merz’ Stärken en Schwächen gehen.

Duration: Moreso, I kommenden Jahr 70. There are most Kanzler tests at Amtsantritt. Adenauer war 73, Merkel first 51 Jahre alt. After two years of experience, this is the highest relationship between Merkel and the future. Späterte is two Mal is with the Wahl from CDU-Chef.

It is a matter of time and effort. Toughness is an important Gabe in politics. Because now time goes by, there are ambitions or other political issues that predict the future. Immerhin brings Merz a good constitution with.

There is wie Ende 50, Anfang 60. Gute Gene sind offenbar vorhanden. Seine Mutter ist 96, der Vater 100. A good construction focuses on a Kanzler. Merkel hat, Scholz hat. Merz Frühaufsteher is different as a letzterer. That’s in my heart Job.

Business competence: The Frühaufsteherei has been in the time of the transmitter of the German transmitter of the Vermögensverwalters Blackrock geblieben. Merz hat Erfahrung außerhalb der Politik gemacht. Wirtschaftsleuten also provides a sales bonus. There is a CDU that has promoted Merkel’s democracy, thus reimbursing the Bedeutung van Leistung, Arbeit, Wachstum wieder hervorhob. Neben der Wirtschaftspolitik-activities are in the Außenpolitik the great Zusammenhänge that are few sons.

Absence: His political abstention in Angela Merkel’s time is a strategic advantage. It is a binding agent of the responsibility for the nuclear phase-out that is the refugee crisis. The migration policy could push through a 180-degree turn of the party. More how the CDU in general has a conservative profile. Now must in my opinion, itself a sympathetic profile of geben be.

Rhetoric: Perhaps his talent for speech helps. One Chancellor, the high art of speech, will not last much longer. Once it is the case that the CDU leader is occupied with telling the opinion of the CDU leader, then there is a human rhetorical gain. With him, Bundestag sittings have won an unterhaltungswert.

Travel time: Auffallend häufig hat Scholz jijetzt More characteristic Schwäche attestiert. “Character, Ehrlichkeit und Festigkeit sind für dieses Land gefragt”, life is in the Bundestag. The Wahlkampf will be treated personally. Tatsächlich see more here Angriffsfläche. So it is not the case that Leute zu ammen, ist nightragend and leicht zu provozieren.

The gilded attack for the sarcastic attack of SPD leader Saskia Esken for the attack, there was no attempt with the Coalition to shield the Constitutional Court from Radicals. Seine Leute was entsetzt. It is different. A chancellor cannot be as simple as an opposition leader.

Beraterum field: Seine Launen had a good feeling, but now the car, in the Ratschläge, is gone. The narrowest environment is still open, the Chef is entitled to it. Scholz with Kanzleramtschef Wolfgang Schmidt or Regierungssprecher Steffen Hebestreit Leute, who is absolutely loyal sin, is internally on a larger scale.

Make sure that you are a person who is part of the faction and participates in the maximum breakthrough and the Ampel-erkauft. I am currently planning to do this, it is a compromise with my migration, and that is it. So läuft es in der Politik aber nicht.

Travel advice: Landrat, Bürgermeister, Minister: I do not have any manager in my power. The Art of Kompromissfindung has not been internalized. It is known that the bet is now in the roles, the stets sagt, who is better. In 2009, the Economic Minister was elected. But Merkel doesn’t want to. Auch um in herum fehlen Leute mit Regierungserfahrung an. Jens Spahn is one of the wishes. A logical kanzleramtsminister-gibt is not.

Communication: Scholz warf Merz said: “They are the type of politics, the glaubt, with an interview in the picture on the Sonttag, it is the migration crisis that is resolved.” Darin has noticed a Funken Wahrheit. Gerd Schröder directs einst with “Bild, Bams und Glotze”. Merz’ Leitstern is the “Frankfurter Allgemeine”.

It is the einfluss that changes the regional media, which has the power of the image and how you can also click on Instagram, Tiktok & Co. Merz erwartet, als een Beschluss von Fraktion or CDU-Präsidium, de “FAZ” or “Bild” erwähnen, de facto schon Allgemeingut ist.

In Montag the party organizations are supposed to nominate him officially. Once you start, you have to make it clear.