
Bürgergeld-Empfänger has 2,600 Euro Debts – Amt soll eight Jahre zahlen

Bürgergeld-Empfänger has 2,600 Euro Debts – Amt soll eight Jahre zahlen

Great worries for “Hartz und Herzlich” protagonists Petra and Pascal. Der Umzug von Mannheim nach Dessau und wieder zurück kommt den Bürgergeld-Empfängern teuer zu stehen. Ausgerechnet the other home in Mannheim provides more power. The Mutter-Sohn-Gespann now sees a problem for the problem: Hilfe vom Jobcenter.

Bürgergeld-Empfänger zurück in Mannheim

After a kurzen Zeit in Dessau since Pascal, Petra and Selina wieder zurück in Mannheim. If you want to finance a new home, it is a good idea to do so. But that’s the end result of spending money, which the Bürgergeld-Familie feststellt.

+++ Bürgergeld: Arbeitslose findet Job – after few weeks droht die Kündigung +++

The citizen money employers have to register with the Mannheimer Jobcenter, a loan and most financial things they can do. For the care of the home that Petra offers a Darlehen, while they earn money in small circles with citizen money. Now wird sie diesen Stritt erneut gehen müssen.

Bürgergeld-Empfänger is a debt burden

A short der Wohnungsbaugesellschaft his other Wohnung brings Petra mighty on the Palme. Included 2,651.10 Euro Mietrückstände requires the old Vermieter of the Bürgergeld-Empfängern. These can all come from Kraft’s own zurückzahlen. The Mannheimer continued and went to the Hilfe of the Jobcenters.

+++ Citizens’ money: Earn 3,000 euros in money – the job center without money +++

“I must decide to arrange a Job Center and set up a Darlehen-Antrag. Then you could make your money with an amount of 25 Euro on the warning. Then we will stop making mistakes,” Petra explains. Bei der gewählten Rate dauert is allendings handsome eight Year, bis die Mietrückstände abbézahlt since!

Also interesting: Citizen money knowledge

The new next series of “Hartz and Herzlich – Day for Day from the Benz Barracks runs until 18.05 o’clock in the week on the TV program of RTL2. After the message has been sent in the Media Library at RTL+.