
AVM starts the rollout of FRITZ!OS 8

AVM starts the rollout of FRITZ!OS 8

AVM has started rolling out major updates to FRITZ!OS 8, offering more than 60 new features and operations for all active FRITZ! products.

When this free update is performed, a new graphical representation is added to the life of the Internet and WLANs, so that one of the many devices abroad and the guest network can be used. You can use more Smart-Home settings and establish a VPN connection with WireGuard now for IPv6 data with data.

Attention can be paid to the FRITZ!Box-Neulinge. Your FRITZ!Box, which contains FRITZ!OS 8.0 and Bord, is no longer suitable for smartphones with the MyFRITZ!App. Make sure that FRITZ!OS 8 is secure and stable for all FRITZ! products and ensure a long entry.

FRITZ!OS 8 is available for the FRITZ!Box 7590 AX. All other active FRITZ!Box models, FRITZ!Repeater and Powerline products will be updated. Enable FRITZ!OS 8 automatically by activating the automatic update function or by clicking “Start update” directly in the user area “”.

Wer saugt die meisten Dating? Online-Monitor says Auslastung durch einzelne Geräte an

There is a new online monitor that informs you about the internet connectivity of a network company in Home and guest network. Make sure that the data traffic can compare and network equipment so that the data rate is optimally shared.

Mesh overview: Geräte im Heimnetz more observant

Directly in the Mesh overview it is possible from FRITZ!OS 8, devices in Heimnetz and in Gastnet can no longer recognize names and symbols. See more information about LAN connections with a FRITZ! product.

New Darestlung der WLAN-Nutzung im Heimnetz

Do you want to use your WLAN in Heimnetz intensively? With the new Darestung zur Auslastung des WLANs, the WLAN value in the Heimnetz can be optimized.

Enable a VPN with WireGuard – Run your IPv6 connections

The WireGuard VPN tunnel is designed to allow access to IPv6 data and the brightness of one or more simple connections in the FRITZ!Box room. Enable FRITZ!OS 8 for more security in the Home Office or on the Fernzugriff. With the WireGuard wizards you can quickly set up the connection via QR code or software on smartphones, notebooks or PCs.

Smart Home: New Options with Szenarien and Routinen

FRITZ!OS 8 sorts in the Smart Home operating system for more new functions: on the wireless configuration of the FRITZ!Smart Control 350 in the FRITZ!Box control panel, the window recognition for a more extensive heating body controller can be set. The new setting of the soll temperature for the heating body controller ensures that the temperature, air and color temperature for lamps are adjusted and the position of roller drawers in quarter turns. All the more so the set temperature for setting the temperature is now with a minimum and maximum temperature outside of it. Routine work with one of the astronomical aforementioned clock times has been solved.

For offices and branches: More information about DECT telephony possible

FRITZ!OS 8 is available for offices and branches, making telephony possible, more comfort. The capacity for parallel DECT telephony is no longer available, soft drinks are now so much fun that they can be used, while they are still not ready now. With the start of FRITZ!OS 8, the FRITZ!Box models 7590, 7590 AX and 7583 become possible.

FRITZ!Box is shipped via smartphone

Starting with FRITZ!OS 8, it is possible to open the FRITZ!Box via smartphone with the MyFRITZ!App. The app works through the notes during installation, directly on your smartphone or tablet. You can easily set up the FRITZ!Box on a new user-friendly interface on the mobile device, nor faster and intuitive. So you can set up a FRITZ!Box: Load MyFRITZ!App, scan the QR code and continue writing using the aiming assistant.