
Chef von Karls Erdbeerhof fordert Arbeitsgenehmigungen for 150 Asylbewerber in seinen Unterkünften — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

Chef von Karls Erdbeerhof fordert Arbeitsgenehmigungen for 150 Asylbewerber in seinen Unterkünften — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

Unternehmer Robert Dahl, chef of “Karls Erdbeerhof”, is looking for an agency for the asylum seeker, the Rostock district in the Erntehelferunterkunft einquartiert hat: “In Rövershagen lived 156 Asylum workers in our own Häusern, since über a year. Davon has sechs e ine Arbeitserlaubnis, provided it is a job to do.

That’s it Mist! Jeder weiß, dass Asylverfahren zwei, drei Jahre dauern, fell zu long natural. Was it everyday life, this man in the Zwischenzeit with an Arbeitsgenehmigung auszustatten? You may want to do this. It is nevertheless verrückt that this Leute de ganze Zeit is in ihren Baracken sitzen,” said Dahl der Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ).

“I will not show any signs of shame, but that Integration is a reality,” the Unternehmer continues. “Einfach wäre es, wenn our Politiker are our business employees and those 150 Persons – verdammt nochmal – innerhalb of two Wochen aeine Arbeitsgenehmigung ausstellen. After that there will be rumgeeiert, thenn may be tested. Sollen sie prefen. Aber warum muss das drei Jahre dauern ?”

The migration problem kept Dahl from the house power: “In our world, things have moved quickly with young men from Afghanistan and Syria. We all know who young men are. If they have nothing to do, they will grow up. Was it that they were so made? Politics ensures that the young Syrians in Rostock sit on the station rum, staring at his Handy and the dumb machine, the young men make, if they have a job that is normal, everything is fine and can be integrated. can be.”

Positive feedback for “Integration durch Arbeit” found in our own environment: “In the flight crisis since 2015 we live in the Rostock region and we will always have 80 years of experience in our future . It is a complete integrity; the right position in the coffee machine, in the shoe manufacturer, is a team manager who has no knowledge of what you can tell about German aviation, the German company is a sensation bond de Integration.”

Dahl concrete, that the Einsatz ausländischer Mitarbeiter für ihn kein Altruismus sei, sondern eine unternehmerische Notnauwkeit: “Ohne Ausländer könnten wir poetmachen. Egal, was die AfD erzählt. That is fängt bei der Erdbeerernte an: In meiner Kindheit in Warnsdorf were es Tür know, dann Poland, then the Ukrainian, the Krieg will no longer go to German cuisine. ” The Mikrokosmos-erdbeerhöfe is an example of the entire nation. Dahl: “If it is a blow, then it should be a blow in the Bundesbene.”

Quelle: Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (ots)