
Hindelang brings a breath of fresh air to TSV Burggen/Bernbeuren

Hindelang brings a breath of fresh air to TSV Burggen/Bernbeuren

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Hindelang brings a breath of fresh air to TSV Burggen/Bernbeuren
Applause, Applause – niece nur von der Bank: Für Coach Daniel Hindelang (right.) and the TSV Burggen/Bernbeuren team are competing in the Kreisklasse 4 bislang sehr gut. © Roland Halmel

The TSV Burggen/Bernbeuren can make a good start with zurückblicken. It is played in the hollow of the Mannschaft vier Siege and lies auf Rang drei.

Daniel Hindelang hates Zeit zum Trauern. Kaum war der Trainer im Vergangen en Frühling beim TSV Altenstadt entlassen, reports sich Felix Lindauer at ihm. The technical guidance of the TSV Burggen/Bernbeuren wants to clear the debt burden so that the princes can prevent the Kreisklassisten from their bets in the season.

“That is a bisschen überraschend”, space for the coach, it must be easy to work on the theme of Altenstadt nor for itself. If there is a clear discussion with the responsibility of the TSV, it is a lawsuit to improve the job that has been done. It seems that the nachhinein is a Glücksfall recovery theorem. “I have realized that Entscheidung, that I have been affected, even if not at all,” said the Trainer.

The table situation is not the same as Theme

This will happen in Burggen and Bernbeuren. Since we have taken our Mannschaft unter seine Fittiche, we have taken the road in our table. The reserve of the Free Gymnastics Jahn Landsberg verzeichnete der TSV is vergangen Wochenende bereits celebrated Saisonsieg in sechsten Spiel and ist momentan Dritter, with three Punkten Abstand auf Rang zwei. Everything that the Union vom Auerberg zwei has won is best written as FC Issing and Spitzenreiter SF Breitbrunn.

If the active ranking changes the Hindelang time, this can blink once. “That’s a project”, says clearly, it is more likely that the fragment is after the class neralt or the delivery. I started working two years after my Fusion, the Kicker is one of the two that stand alone, nor more of the verzahnen.

Training involvement is very high

Because the problem is not so big at all, the problems in the problem can be solved and other people do not know. It was different when the Älteren out, the rivalry between the two jobs still live erlebten, but now was used, damn that the Mannschaft gesund and a greater pressure can become.

Hindelang has built in a playing system, the youngster is integrated with the game. Innenverteidiger Fabian Weber has placed a hat on the blessing during a routine match, while he sees Daniel Glatzel in Mittelfeld. So learn the young years of the other companies, about the whole history of the TSV game. „Es macht Spaß“, see Hindelang die Entwicklung with Freude. There is a kicker who is controlled. The training commitment is high. 35 players come in the course of time, wehalb a Platz-allein not out and nor a Swiss in Anspruch-joint world.

Contact TSV Burggen/Bernbeuern

The regular training at the highest level is for the young peers who use the competition in the Kreisklasse Gruppe 4. Prittricching, Breitbrunn and Hechendorf practice a different type of football if they want to play in the Alpenvorland. Für die Burggener und Bernbeurer ist nur hilfreich. “We are grateful for our knowledge, we do not know”, wertet Hindelang das als Vorteil. Learn your kicker in this white but flexible way.

When the process is carried out, the problem will not be solved. “In the winter break we can drive there”, please is a Patience. It will take so long before a man’s craft is perfect that his life in the Kreisklasse is suitable for his machines. “We are now seeing that we get our PS on the spot”, is the formula of his most progressive soul. It is a fact that things are going well at the moment.