
Tochter von Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum won the Deutsche Jugendmeisterschaft

Tochter von Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum won the Deutsche Jugendmeisterschaft

“Bin so stollz auf mein kleines Mädchen”

Beerbaum-Tochter jumps zur Deutschen Meisterschaft

Brianne Beerbaum.PNG

Brianne Beerbaum beams at the siege


Is it worth it to become a mom?

Four-time World Champion Ex-Springreit Star Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum (54), World and European Champion, four-time German Champion. It’s good to see what else Brianne thinks of her. The 14-year-old has started to swing a spring revolution and hold a weeding hole A bigger title!

Beerbaum new Deutsche Meisterin

At the Deutschen Jugendmeisterschaften in Springreiten in Riesenbeck you are in the Class M* and the Altersklasse “Children” with a new Deutschen Meisterin, which lasts for a year. On the Hanoverian Wallach Balotelli he jumps into the three Umläufen zur Goldmedaille. Zugleich is nun das Goldene Reitabzeichen (for the siege of the schweren Klasse).

In Video: Isabell Werth offers more insight into the picture