
I am the Hauptausschuss der Stadt Füssen come to another with the Thema Foodsharing on the Tisch

I am the Hauptausschuss der Stadt Füssen come to another with the Thema Foodsharing on the Tisch

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I am the Hauptausschuss der Stadt Füssen come to another with the Thema Foodsharing on the Tisch
If there is a new place: the Foodsharing initiative has to leave the garage. © Privé

The organizers of Foodsharing in Füssen müssen on the bisherigen Platz in a garage in the Jugendhaus-verlassen and are now at the new Räumlichkeiten. Was dahinter steckt.

Füssen – Provided that the aspects of their life are different from the main stages of the city’s traffic in the open air, the young people’s sitting at the service day. It is another story about Foodsharing in the city of Füssen, the city Wolfgang Bader (Grüne) brought under the Tagesordnungspunkt “Anträge und Anfragen” in Spiel. Who is bad, the organizers love the problem of solving problems, it is a matter of more space in a garage in the Jugendhaus to use sparrows and now look at such a new Abgabestelle.

Madeleine Ettinger of the Füssener Foodsharing Initiative is committed to the future, which is the reason for the Jugendhaus on October 1st. Bisher has owned the Garage of the Modelleisenbahnverein, the cost of which was established for renovation. If the garage now gets a new owner, things may change. „Wir haben schon ganz veee Leute and Einrichtungen gefragt, ob wir uns angliedern dürfen, aber bisher ohne Erfolg“, said Madeleine Ettinger.

The Füssener Foodsharing Initiative has free space information

If the initiative takes an initiative and does not spend any money, it is the case that costs are incurred in selling it. “We can’t pay any money”, so Ettinger. The proposal of Mayor Maximilian Eichstetter (CSU), to turn to the Table, are in the process of learning. You can perform an Absage treatment.

The concept of food sharing thus functions, which is also a matter of living with 30 business partners, including supermarkets and bakery products, in Füssen abgeholt and then in the Abgabestelle angeboten. In the area of ​​​​the table of charity, where a lot of food was consumed, sharing food can be interesting. “We had a lot of thoughtfulness, who cared for us and our children,” says Madeleine Ettinger. Die Abgabestelle in Füssen is immer am Montag und Freitag Nachmittag geöffnet.

The most recent war is that of Bisher. Be that as it may, it is unclear. Benötigt has given Madeleine Ettinger a Raum with a four-meter, in the man who can set a kitchen and a shelf. “When the Lebensmittel comes out of the air, it is a smaller Tante-Emma-Laden”, said Ettinger. The city, the power of the mayor in the German seat, has no big costs, and it also costs money to make money.

Sporttage and Baugebiet in Weidach

Ebenfall’s Theme in the Ausschusssitzung War is the summary of the dying Füssener Sporttage. After the entry into force of the Rechnungen, Bürgermeister Maximilian Eichstetter could be called, the man “fast with plus minus zero” could abschließen: the Defizit enter 280 Euro. There is a record number among the teilnehmern. Übrigens will visit the Rathaus in the coming years with a team during the City Olympiad.

Read more information about the mayor about the outer shaft on the stand after the Bewerbungsschluss for the Baugebiet Weidach-Nordost. In total, 91 Bewerbungen were entered for this. 64 I think the text on the Einheimische model is used and is no longer used. As a result of the fact that the Board of Directors was concerned with the execution of the work, it was carried out in the Grundstücke.

Schließlich stand noch die Bekanntgabe zwier nichtöffentliche Beschlüsse auf der Tagesordnung. You will be able to receive a ticket at a later date on the 16th of July with the SV Türk Gücü Füssen eV grundsätzlich zigestimmt, dass der Fußballverein am Sportplatz a Container als Kiosk aufstellen darf. Allerdings, gab Eichstetter cannot, nor can Bauantrag be eingereicht. If you found the container, that’s fine too, but you can’t see it either.

Since the headquarters is not working so well, the Leistungen for the data protection officers and external information protection services are used and the GKDS Gesellschaft for kommunalen will become Datenschutz mbH.

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