
SAP to invest billions in open cloud infrastructure in Germany – Action festival | 19.09.24

SAP to invest billions in open cloud infrastructure in Germany – Action festival | 19.09.24

SAP will invest more than 2 billion euros in Germany in the coming years in large companies, local authorities and regulators who invest in cloud solutions.

So the most advanced technology, which works on the business market of the corporate sectors and the strict regular industrial sector, is part of the Walldorfer Software group with.

“Miss Milliarden-Investment in Sovereign Cloud-Angebote setzen wir ein klares Zeichen: Innovationskraft und digital Souveränität gehen Hand in Hand”, says SAP-Vorstandsmitglied Thomas Saueressig.

The cloud infrastructure for the management of Cloud-Angebot was assembled in the German Computing Centers and locally deployed by SAP. All data remains in the country, so does the group.

The SAP-Tochter Delos Cloud will establish a full-fledged cloud platform based on the hyperscaler technology Microsoft Azure with its Verfügung in 2025. A number of operational partnerships with SAP, Delos Cloud, Microsoft and Arvato Systems have been concluded.
