
Bertelsmann Stiftung – Study: Durch zätzliche Anreize können 1.4 Millionen ältere Beschäftigte im Job contentn

Bertelsmann Stiftung – Study: Durch zätzliche Anreize können 1.4 Millionen ältere Beschäftigte im Job contentn

Bertelsmann Stiftung – Study: Durch zätzliche Anreize können 1.4 Millionen ältere Beschäftigte im Job contentn

Other employees may have to wait longer for their work. (imago/Andreas Prost)
Demographic data on the development of this alternative group can no longer be carried out. The study by the Bertelsmann Foundation is based on the deliberations of the Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung in Berlin, the Schwedische Arbeitsmarkt als referenz-anführen. The fachleuten who last a long time in Sweden will pay attention to the food and thus stay on the job for a long time.

An Berufsgruppen angepasste Maßnahmen gefordert

Great reasons for not working in this old group are the following: illness, care and nursing obligations. If you are working in the study, you can express a fresh opinion on the interests of the employees – and by a common interest group, the negotiation at the advocate and more other judicial decisions. Ebenfalls is one of the main ways in which the inexperienced troublemakers groups can achieve their very bad results, the point is after a short period of maintenance. It is necessary that the control and legal consequences are guaranteed. There may be even more possibilities during the storage of teilzeitkräften.

Federal Government for Financial Affairs

As soon as the Federal Government will expand the lease agreements, it will be more attractively shaped – during the approval of the Arbeitsrechts, an application as “Rentaufschubprämie” and further financial financing. I think that the Bertelsmann Foundation has taken over the power of the Bundesregierung package that is a personal Umfeld person.

This target date was sent on the Deutschlandfunk program on 19.09.2024.