
Dax kratzt nach großer Zinssenkung und Rekordhoch Von dpa-AFX

Dax kratzt nach großer Zinssenkung und Rekordhoch Von dpa-AFX

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – Big gain by US-Notenbank Fed with German Leitindex I am in Donnerstag and have a rekordhoch-herangeführt. Given Mittag das Börsenbarometer um 1.4 Prozent auf 18.976 Zähler. Zur bisherigen Höchstmarke vom Monatsanfang at 18.990 Punkten fehlen dem Dax nurmehr 14 Punkte.

With a German Sentence Conflict a 0.5 percent point gap has now also been achieved by the US-Notenbank Fed. It is the first American sentence that has lasted more than four years. Fed chief Jerome Powell has made a big impression and is no longer dying in the “new tempo” on the way to what he says, commentary from Commerzbank (ETR:) The Fed is fully in the game, but it will take a long time.

The Fed signal gives a signal a year later of an insgesamt 0.5 Perzentpunkte. If the economy was confronted with the development of the economy a while ago, all this could lead to the inflation expectation that had priority.

Also on Wall Street could reach new high marks. Before the market is expanded with Broker IG, he can call on an individual index and the Leitindex Industrial all after another best market.

There der 50 medium-sized Börsentitle gewannn am Mittag 1.8 Prozent, er ist mit 26,259 Punkten aber noch weit entfernt von seiner Höchstmarke von for three Years at 36,428 Zählern. Der Eurozonen-Leitindex said at 1.7 percent.

Actions of Merck (ETR:) KGaA rose by 2.4 percent. Investment bank Goldman Sachs (NYSE:) has made the purchase of paper of pharmaceutical and chemical products with “buy” purchases. With Sartorius (ETR:) Another company from the labor sector is a 2.9 percent zu.

Schlusslicht im Dax were Deutsche Telekom (ETR:) with minus 2.2 Prozent. The French-German Investmenthaus Oddo-BHF is setting up the Kaufempfehlung for the Action. A canceled Kaufvotum from Investment bank Exane BNP Paribas (ETR:) for the Aktien of DHL Group (ETR:) ließ diese um 0.6 Prozent nachgeben.

Deutschlands größter Wohnimmobilienkonzern Vnovia (ETR:) will bless Tochter Deutsche Wohnen (ETR:). mittels een beherrschungs- en gewinnabführungsvertrags nor enger a sich binding. A purchase was made on the speculation market for the occupancy of the 13th Prozent Aktien, which was never heard of again. Deutsche Wohnen jumped to 18 Prozent nach oben, Vonovia-Aktien lost 1.5 Prozent days.