
Hessen: Nach eigener Parkplaketten-Affäre: SPD-Politiker Weiß soll U-Ausschuss zur Entlassungsaffäre leiten

Hessen: Nach eigener Parkplaketten-Affäre: SPD-Politiker Weiß soll U-Ausschuss zur Entlassungsaffäre leiten

Status: 19.09.2024 11:42 am

An untersuchungsausschuss beleuchtet de Rauswurf von Staatsekretärin Messari-Becker by Wirtschaftsminister Mansoori. The SPD has welcomed Marius Weiß for the Vorsitz. There is a small part of the Ausschuss zum Hanau-Attentat – bis there roads Urkundenfälschung were punished.

Next week a new research committee of the Landtag will start. There is a unity among the new generation, while the SPD Minister of Economic Affairs Kaweh Mansoori (SPD) a partial state secretary of Lamia Messari-Becker weighs who “never again have infallible interests”.

The precursors of the Ausschussen can state the SPD. The faction that has a brand name, which the hr of the private trip has made, is: You have ausgesucht for the posts of your subordinate Marius Weiß. The 49-year-old lawyer from Idstein (Rheingau-Taunus) is himself for the handling of a case in a case and must exclude the years in the Vorsitz in the Untersuchung-sausschuss zum Hanau-Attentat.

Weiß hatte für seine ebenfallen im Parlament beschäftigte Ehefrau sein Premium Parkticket für das Landtagsgelände. The Staatsanwaltschaft has imposed a penalty on the SPD man for Urkundenfälschung.

A small chance, a small chance

“If Mensch has a Fehler power, then that is the best,” Weiß damals stated. Signals Posting as a Vize faction leader is lost. For that day in Autumn 2023, the Landtagswahl follows the Abgeordnete over the SPD-Bezirk Hessen Zuid on a separate Listenplatz. The leader of the national SPD-Bezirks is Mansoori.

Rust Progress

The investigation committee has the opposition factions of the Greens and FDP passed Donnerstag in Landtag by minority rights. If you have criticism of the arts and welfare, who the Foreign Minister of the State Secretary for Foreign Affairs finds, the money and the shipyard in Rufmord vor.

There is a statement that the minister in the Landtag does not want to know more. Mansoori has again transparenz regenerstelt nor die forced Entschuldigung geliefert.

Bedauern over the Forgang

If the minister has started in Parliament, it is one of the ministers who has differences with the sub-experts about the Amtsführung. Otherwise if I would get the chance to postpone the 51 years of the Ursache, he would not end up in a “single Sachverhalt”.

Ursprünglich hatte Mansoori de Versetzung seiner Spitzenbeamtin in de instweiligen Ruhestand öffentlich met een inzigen Fehlverhalten begründet, ohne Belege zu nennen. In the summer interview there was a brief critical look, and it was a fact. “Es gibt in meinen Teams immer zweite Chancen, Fehler, die gehen, Fehler, die nicht gehen”, said his zur Begründung.

Vergaane Woche erolgte dann in Landtag der Teil-Rückzug, welcher der Opposition nicht reichte: There is the press conference, although the guilty is blamed, other forms can be used, such as the Minister. Worth speaking is a “streitbaren Pressemitteilung”. Under the words: “Wäre es womöglich sogar besser gewesen, sie kinder zu halten? Aus heutiger Sicht yes. Bedauere ich den Fortgang? Yes.”

Attack Questions

Der Ausschuss soll for allm herausfinden, ob die Entlassung juridically correct loving and ob auf unerlaubte Weise nach criminendem Material gegen Messari-Becker gesucht wurde. The intern is the minister of Bau professor who is concerned with posts at another education and a school such as druckmittel that has done its work.

A message of an admission of guilt about the general elections has not made the Kultusministerium after the appropriation into a Mansooris Ministerium anymore. If you do something, it cannot be a lawsuit.

Messari-Becker pointed out Mansooris A categorical guilt back. If you submit your Widerspruch application, this is not possible. The preliminary statement, the minister has withdrawn the accusation of his guilt, also share experts. The Jurassic professor Thorsten Masuch has commented on the Hessian administrative law question: This administrative law is a administrative law that flourishes.