
“Die new Autorität – grim and positive in der Erziehung”

“Die new Autorität – grim and positive in der Erziehung”

LINZ. The family bond begins on October 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the broadcast of the ErziehungsImpulse with the family report of the countries or with a free live stream “The new car ride – strong and positive in history” with Dr. Philip Streit.

The Family ist der Dreh- and Angelpunkt has left Lebens. If children want to get into trouble, the political interests of the right must be abolished. Gleichzeitig benötigt gelingende Erziehung als Grundvoraussetzung for allem een ​​gut Beziehung and Resonanz innerhalb der Familien. This braucht is von Seiten der Eltern noch Standhaftigkeit in herausfordernden Situationen, een grim en souverän zu bleiben.

Philip Streit advocates a praxis orientation for the development of the new car journey, for behavior and a clearer understanding of erziehung and connects it with the elements of positive psychology.

“If Mama and Papa wish to be together for their own children, they are the best. Allen Anforderungen, the large bowl of the little ones with the dish they become, calls for a new label. In the praxis-oriented Vortrag Eltern wertfull Tipps, whom they could trade in new life phases, resilienz construction and lösungsorientiert “, so OÖ Familienbund-Landesobmann Martin Hajart.

Dr. Philip Streit is a renowned Clinical and Health Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Supervisor. The Institute for Child, Youth and Family in Graz has specialized in researching the quality of the human being for 20 years.