
EuGH stärkt Hotels gegenüber

EuGH stärkt Hotels gegenüber

Status: 19.09.2024 12:21

Dürfen Hotels in your own country can you register with I strive for the best prices that the platform offers for a Niederlage cashier – the EuGH that determines the rights of hotels.

Gigi Deppe

This is not the case: for a trip, a first trip to a hotel platform of, HRS or Expedia is an overview of the hotels in the offer. Then it is not that you are on the page of the desired hotels, but this is never a good idea. Or other platforms that are not rewarded with research.

Since the Dutch properties, since the Hotels for your booking require a provision, it may not be possible, since the hotels are of their own Zimmer zu günstigeren Priisen. Or other platforms cannot use Tarife. Therefore, Booking 2006 only prohibits hoteliers, on their own pages or on other advertising channels for overnight stays.

Dagegen is in Germany in the year 2013 by the Bundeskartellamt during the spring break. The German Wettbewerbshüter forbid the companies, in the Vertarden with the Hotels only Klauseln aufzunehmen. Behind the wettbewerb the hotels can no longer enjoy a free party. A new hotel platform has a great chance on the market, but can not cause any nightly vermitteln.

Klauseln in more Ländern verboten

Booking of rougher and woolier ones than this is not possible, as Hotels themselves can offer on their own dates. Aber auch die Variante überzeugte das Bundeskartellamt nicht. This is verboten. One of the Federal Courts of Justice (BGH) als Zuständiges oberstes deutsches Gericht segnete 2021 das Verbot von solch een beschränkenden Klausel ab.

Parallelle complaint der Hotelverband Deutschland eV, der über 2,600 Hotels vertritt, gegen Booking auf Schadensersatz. There is a long term on the names of the blessings of money won by the best prizes. Also others in EU-Ländern bekam Booking Ärger. Inspections since their residences in Belgium, France, Italy and Austria are also prohibited.

Complaint of the EuGH predicts

Booking is possible with a discount and a click for a dutch goal. Let the year continue with the fragmentation of the waiters of the EU for. One of the first to be the German Bundeskartellamt and the BGH: the European rights earned in Luxembourg are the first thing that happened.

Inhaltlich one Richter and four Richters than all in the sin of the German Federal Cartel Office and the BGH. Take a look at: Online hotel booking services see the basis for the Verbraucherinnen and Verbraucher Nützlich. If you request a best price, this is not Trittbrettfahrer. Online service that could neither work nor work professionally. If this is the case, then it is a fact that the Klauselverbot in an EU Ländern nicht be fährdet be.

Damit ist de grundsätzliche Linie feestgelegt. A word used in the European Union is a pity, but the certainty is still not so great on the own pages of hotels or on other platforms that deserve the prizes. It is quite possible that the overnight stay is no longer a fact.

Registration number: C-264/23