
Who wants to finish their journey –

Who wants to finish their journey –

Only three days after the first training unit with Bernhard Trares as new coach of SV Waldhof Mannheim at the home game against VfL Osnabrück first time on the bench. The 59-year-olds have made a plan, who will die at the Kurpfälzern-rebelief.

Something “exceptional”

At the end everything went really fast. Next Sunday Sports Director Anthony Loviso – proud days will be the Treue-Bekundungen zu Marco Antwerpen – on Trares came and had a “very long conversation” with his leader, who reported on the 59-year-olds at the Spieltags-Pressconferenz on Thursday, met I am then ready with Supervisory Board member Christian Beetz. Nothing, one of the last years it was a matter of time, but it is a new era in which the growth of time is stimulated, but a “few things” is a reason and an unforeseen task to work. For a long time, the age of 59 must have been a “brain storm” and “extensive” after leaving the Waldhof.

Four years after his departure, the “Feuer en Flamme” is for the rearing, after he has come to a co-trainer-tätigkeit at VfB Stuttgart (2022-2023) in the Anschluss, he will regenerate, “in order to be able to re-enter with fresh air”. Prepared in the winter are a few things that have been done by clubs, “that I was not prepared for”. Now it is – and it is a matter of life. “I know everything here, it’s who comes home.”

Other feature films

Ready for Wednesday afternoon are ​​in first place on the Platz, it has become a “very engaged and focused” team. If the game started on Saturday, it became clear that you would know it. Over time, under Antwerp, there are feature films “a bisschen verändern” of wollen played. “Everything that is necessary will not happen anymore, it is a mistreatment from the Neuem and Alten.” Concretely, with his new team “die een orige kans” will cry more and “auch mal den langen Ball” play – “but not ausschließlich”. There are many “fußballerisch and spielerisch” games that you can find. Worauf sich der 59-Jährige bereits festlegte: “Wenn we 1:0 fuhren, we are not nur nor veridigen, without preferring to disagree guten Konter setzen.”

If we look at the game that the ball plays, it has been one of the most common “ball delights, die hektik and unsicherheit”. Here is a “combination game” at stake, in which Mannheim’s new coach of a “Prozess” expresses and concretes himself, and that has not become “from today to tomorrow”. “We don’t have any ideas about the area, so we have to look carefully and find a good middle way.” Auf Streicheleinheiten will Trares zumindest vorerst verzichten: “Dadurch wird man nicht besser. Wir müssen jeden Tag a good job machen in Training.”

Aus Respect will not be in the Stadium

Did Trares’ idea come to fruition on Saturday? The frühere Bundesliga-Spieler is a “körperbetontes Spiel” and gets a “heißen Tanz” out. “We must preserve those nerves.” In the Stadium War in the youthful past, in the battle against co-trainer Benjamin Sachs, spent the night – on a ground: “I was happy with the fairness of the current coach, we were reintegrated, we were together in our country. Wenn then an ex-trainer auftaucht, gleich spekuliert.” Dennoch has become such an “extreme” creature with the active man and has studied the entire game.

The Starting Eleven has never started, but will not leave the end of the training session in the Donnerstag and Freitag either. Nicht zur Verfügung stehen weiterhin Malte Karbstein (Innenband-Verletzung), Manuel Braun (Muskelphaserriss) and Niklas Hoffmann (Sehnenanriss). More than 10,000 fans were signaled at the Trares-Rückkehr am Samstag im Stadion. Die Vorfreude beim Coach ist groß: “It’s a matter of getting started.” If all goes well, the first problem is solved.

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