
Arbeit – DGB Bayern starts Campaign with longer Arbeitszeiten – Bayern

Arbeit – DGB Bayern starts Campaign with longer Arbeitszeiten – Bayern

Munich (dpa/lby) – Der DGB Bayern will continue with longer working hours with a campaign in the social middle class. The people who came from politics and economics, ‘that is another reality’, said Chief Executive Bernhard Stiedl. The investigation into the Arbeitszeiten can take a long time. Darauf sei man „zurecht stollz“, concrete there. “And we were able to tell them.”

The Arbeitgeber and the political part of the ‘landauf, landab’ are there, the people who have ‘more bock auf Arbeit’, say ‘nicht nur absurd, sondern auch dreist’, like Stiedl. Many people want to let people work, they can fly and bring the products to a higher level. It is often thought that the Arbeitszeit is reduced, while politics in the House of Representatives has never been given a position of power, but with a click on fehlende Betreuungsplätze for small children and fehlende Pflegeplätze for Angehörige. The concrete blocks and the stellvertreterin Verena Di Pasquale, which are longer than the following work, failures, accidents and fehlern-führten.

Forderung nach weniger Regulierung der Arbeitszeit

In the plant campaign, which is used in the coming months for all over the social media, the DGB Bavaria will now come to the attention of all Arbeitnehmer. In interviews or a few other stories about my life, about my experiences and how I deal with my challenges, explained Stiedl.

The Association of Bayerische Wirtschaft (vbw) ensures that the regulations for the Arbeitszeit are reduced, a bet that will no longer last. “It is important to note that the high costs of these activities must be canceled and they will be affected by the high costs of 48 hours”, said Hauptgeschäftsführer Bertram Brossardt in German. A Verkürzung der Arbeitszeit is of the opinion that the Krise “der false Weg” works. One thing with the DGB is its day in the Forderung nach Betreuungsplätzen. Here is more Angebote, a “more Frauen in vollzeitnahe Beschäftigung zu Bringen”, says Brossardt.

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