
Mit 16 als Stadträtin im Ulmer Gemeinderat: Emilia’s first Sitzung

Mit 16 als Stadträtin im Ulmer Gemeinderat: Emilia’s first Sitzung

Emilia Stella Schneider is 16 years into the final years of the new Ulmer Gemeinderats. Am Mittwoch saß sie zum ersten Mal am Ratstisch. The first sitting of the Schülerin war kurz.

Oberbürgermeister Martin Ansbacher (SPD) has received his first seat in Ulmer Gemeinderat on the Mittwochnachmittag 17 new city streets and city streets. With am Ratstisch saß as youngests Mitglied auch die 16-year-old Schülerin Emilia Stella Schneider von der Jungen Ulmer Liste.

There is war with the Konstituerende Sitzung in Ulmer Gemeinderat. Ausschüsse und Gremien wurden gebildet, de Sitzordnung festgelegt. It is formal. After a study everything is empty. Das Fazit der 16-Jährigen: “Die Sitzung war kürzer als erwartet – ich war sehr überrascht, as es schon vorbei war.”

Es gibt keinen Kurs ‘How to be a Gemeinderatsmitglied’

The preparation for the first Gemeinderatssitzung has never been a problem, the Schülerin has disappeared. “For all that, although everything is relative, there is no Kurs, the man can ‘How to be a Gemeindratsmitglied’.” In the vacuum cleaner we are very happy to weld something.

If you are in debt in June, Emilia discussed Schulungen, while others in the community worked and with the genauen Abbläufen in the Rathaus vertraut the power. If you do not know more, set the 16-year-old kurz for the Sitzung party, “eher spannt”.

Emilia Stella Schneider is 16 and is on the Junge Ulmer list in the Ulmer Gemeinderat as a young city registrar. I make sure that the student gets his first seat in the Ulmer Ratstisch.

Emilia Stella Schneider is 16 and is on the Junge Ulmer list in the Ulmer Gemeinderat as a young city registrar. I make sure that the student gets his first seat in the Ulmer Ratstisch.


Justus Madaus

With 16 in the Gemeinderat: Für Emilia kein großes Thema

Emilia is one of 17 new residents in Ulmer Gemeinderat. Community with the Animal Protection Party and the climateist image is the “kjt-Fraktion”, spoken as “kite”, English for Dragon. If Emilia was no longer up to date, she said that her bodenstanddig and abgeklärt – further was their other side: “It is for most others a bigger theme than for myself.”

There would be no fear, no seriousness would be spoken

At 16, Emilia Stella Schneider is the young city city, Ulm has a hat and one of the young people in Baden-Württemberg. If it is imagined, it is not that the seriousness of the situation increases – anyway, that is not the case.

“I’m afraid, if I was afraid, I became a shy person and that’s why I’m scared. So I try to think about it a little and be careful when I’m passionate about it. And we’ll be happy when I’m afraid.”

The Zehntklässlerin will positively encourage the interested young people, will make Ulm greener and bring more quality of life to the city. Environment, climate protection and the human environment since ihre Themen.

“City of Ulm will remain positive”

They are aware of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund and in the Catholic young community of Ulm-Böfingen with, taking into account the zehnte Klasse a berufsbildenden Gymnasiums. In four years power came to Abitur. Für fun Jahre ist si gewählt. Since the time of the year is 16 years old – “with optimism, the city of Ulm is still positive”.


Emilia Stella Schneider laughs in the room. This hat schulterlange brown hair and blue eyes.

Zwischen Schulbank and Ratstisch
16-year-old Stadträtin in Ulm: Erste Schritte in de Politik

Emilia Stella Schneider died at 16 years the youngest city in Ulm. It was a political vision, and whoever was his first tag, became a city lover example.

SWR Aktuell Baden-Württemberg

SWR latitude

There was a first Gemeinderatssitzung for Emilia Stella Schneider Schneller, if there was a problem. With Sicherheit it is no longer possible to sit in the Ulmer Rathaus. After all, these 16 years under another period of construction are worth it for long sit-downs and long stays. But that doesn’t bother her. “Auf kommunaler Ebene ist das das interesting Thema für mich, weil man halt sieht, was man bewirken kann.”