
Axel-Springer-Konzern will soon be spoiled — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

Axel-Springer-Konzern will soon be spoiled — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

Der Medienkonzern Axel Springer hat een Aufspaltung seiner Geschäfte angekündigt. The new internal structure is set up for Axel Springer as “medienunternehmen” and the advertisements can be separated from the stops, part of the Unternehmen in Donnerstag with.

The transaction will probably take place by the end of 2025. A finite Reconciliation would entail the Group in the coming months.

In the new plant structure are the media companies “Bild”, “Business Insider”, Politico, the “Welt”, Idealo, Bonial, Morning Brew, Dyn Media, Emarketer as well as the Joint Venture Ringier Axel Springer Poland at Axel Springer active. Friede Springer and Mathias Döpfner together wanted to keep 98 percent of the company. The rest of the previous period was Axel Sven Springer, one of the firms, which remained standing. It is a smaller part of the blessing that is minority interest.

The Stepstone Group, Aviv, “” and, who have not yet carried out any US immunizations, have set up their own joint venture companies with KKR and CPP Investments as Mehrheitsaktionären and Axel Springer as Co-Minderheitsaktionär and a economic Beteiligung der Enkelkinder Axel Springer. The generated involvement in the action became one of the binding binding activities still completed, so the group.

Before a person receives a message about a news item about the Axel Springer concerts, it is best to address the heart of the matter.

Quelle: dts Nachrichtenagentur