
Explosions in Cologne: Verbindung zu englisch Kriminellen vermutet

Explosions in Cologne: Verbindung zu englisch Kriminellen vermutet

Status: 19.09.2024 15:09

In the Cologne inner city there is an inner explosion of the Tage zwei Explosionen. In a press conference the police and the state bank inform about the active state of the Ermittlungen. An association of Taten zu Organisierter Kriminalität in the Netherlands, lie on the Hand.

Two explosions in the Kölner Innenstadt – inner half weniger Tage. The Kölner Police and Staatsanwaltschaft inform in a press conference about the bisherigen Ermittlungen. These roads can undergo medical treatment.

Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse bisher:

  • Michael Esser, Chief of Kripo Cologne: There are hints, there are connections with the two young explosions in Cologne. It is not that the police are the best.
  • A Verbindung der Taten zu Organisierter Kriminalität in de Niederlanden liege auf der HandThe Vanity Club explosion is one of those things that exists.
  • It sees the explosion in the Mittwoch-oorlog in a modelladen of the Marke LFDY. The police say that it is an event with an earlier explosion and a laden der Kette in Amsterdam.
  • If the explosion lasts longer, it becomes a deleted event.
  • Ermittler aus dem Bereich Organisierte Kriminalität work seit Wochen and der Aufklärung der Vorgänge der young Wochen in Cologne and others NRW-Städten.
  • Verstärkte Personal Controls in Cologne: Hinweise from the Bevölkerung können entscheidenden Hinweis Bringen. It is more than 600 Spuren.
  • So long man not sure, wem the Sprengungen and Schüsse genau gelten, müsse man von een high gefährdung dieser Personen ausgehen. Von Sprengungen and Schüssen Concerned may be a shyster.
  • There cannot be a fault message. The Police in Cologne take care of the citizens and the community seriously and take care of everything, so that they are responsible.
  • Oberstaatsanwalt Ulrich Bremer: “We are making tire-related deals”. If we go into the speculations, the so-called “Mocro-mafia” will get clues for the Taten. The Begriff is a “griffier Begriff for the Media”, without this man having criminal work.
  • The explosions on the high-speed ring and in Ehrenstraße in Cologne were caused by the explosion of the Sprengstoffdelikten.
  • Man sei aber in einem fließenden Verfahren and müsse abwägen, was man öffentlich miteilen könne. Unter ookm führe man auch verdeckte Ermittlungen.
  • Oberstaatsanwalt Bremer visited the various Vorgänge in Cologne and other NRW cities in the past weeks. There are reports of three complexes: Drogengeschäfte, Entführungen in Hürth and Köln-Rodenkirchen and the various explosions.
  • At the Drying houses Trade is a matter of June 2024. It is a trade with cannabis. If you see 700 kilos of cannabis after you buy it, you have to wait to see. 300 kilos looks like a spurlos verschwunden. If you have the core, it is worth going shin.
  • Es gebe zwei Accused, die in Untersuchungshaft sitzen. If you use a Gruppierung from Cologne, you must do this.
  • Bremer sees himself on two Broadcasts – in Hürth in June and Cologne-Rodenkirchen in July. Background if you use the right cannabis. The roads of the falls in Hürth are located in three persons from the Netherlands in the Untersuchungshaft. Nach der Entführung in Rodenkirchen sitzen sieben Personen in Untersuchungshaft – alldings keine Niederländer. Three are not identified as being able to fly.

What was more about the two explosions in the Cologne city center during the war, there are parallels between the organizers of the Kriminalität in the Netherlands and after the war, so that I can here:

  • Two Explosions in Cologne: We knew more about the Täter
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