
FCN: Dumans Provokations-Jubel: Jetzt spricht Club-Trainer Klose | Sport

FCN: Dumans Provokations-Jubel: Jetzt spricht Club-Trainer Klose | Sport

No longer by Siegtor dear Club Joker Taylan Duman (27) in Ulm Gesprächsstoff. Go to the Jubel danach!

Reif is live from 19.09.24FC Bayern in the CL-Rausch

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Source: BILD

Duman goes after the verwandelten of Elfer (90.+9 minutes) over the trikot of Leib and heel, which is used for the Ulmer Fan-Kurve demonstratively high. When it comes to the Folge, there will be a few Ulmer fans hanging in the interior and the orden will absolutely not be used.

Trainer Miroslav Klose (46) about the Provocation Dumans: “I have perceived things differently. I know Tay and there is war in the fall of the fans.” The proud statement of the Weltmeister of 2014 is clear: “You can play without any problems. I strive for fairness and respect for others.”

The day of jubilation was an unforgettable war, and we will be attending the Team College Caspar Jander (21) directly after playing in Ulm: “In this situation the emotion can be even more intense. That man is one person who takes care of everything. Entschuldigung, an die Ulmer, aber wir haben uns einfach nur freut.“