
RTL+: Starker Start von Stefan Raab – RTL-Aktie nicht beeindruckt – ProSieben überrascht

RTL+: Starker Start von Stefan Raab – RTL-Aktie nicht beeindruckt – ProSieben überrascht

On Wednesday evening, the new show of Stefan Raab flickered for the first time on streaming service RTL+ over the screen. “You don’t win the Million here with Stefan Raab” RTL+ protects a record-breaking start. RTL-Aktie said that the Donnerstag was not working properly. I SDAX said that competitor ProSiebenSat.1 was very clear.

Stefan Raab is back in town! The Berliner Morgenpost has started a live blog. Raab’s new show “DGHNDMBSR” will be broadcast live on RTL+ on 18.09.24 at 20:10. The mother company has offered the entertainer a highly successful 5-year contract (THE ACTION AGENCY reports). After abstaining from live broadcasts on TV, you can see the comeback of streaming animation as the best new start. The mother house RTL in Cologne has a tag after the pilot follow-up of “So here wins the Million at Stefan Raab” still no absolute numbers, maybe a few dates over time.

“73 Prozent der Subscriptions wurden an Neukunden kauft, der Remain were Wiederkehrer, die für Stefan Raab zurückgekommen sind RTL+”, reported das Medienhaus. On social media, Stefan Raab has found “who a comet”: more than 465 million contacts were on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube and were on Box-Abend on Samstag. The Streaming Tour RTL+ has received an amount of 5.6 million.

The RTL-Aktie says that the Donnerstag has received a prize of 30.50 Euro that has not been processed. So how does the MDAX-Aktie stand on the Midtwoch-Nachmittag. The Annunciation of the Raab-Rückkehr has to do with the past Monday prepared for the course schedule.

Comments: Die Aktie des RTL-Konkurrenten ProSiebenSat.1 Media – Stefan Raab has made a huge bid for the Pro7 win – he earns a prize with a price tag of more than a cash prize of 5.68 Euro for the big winner of the Tages in SDAX.

ProSiebenSat.1 Media
(WKN: PSM777)

At Pro7 by Sebastian Pufpaff with the other Raab format “TV total”, the time with Raab’s new show in the Mittwoch-Abend in Free-TV is displayed ausgestrahlt. And the transmission can make the streaming konkurrenz connection. 1.05 Millionen Zuschauer (4.6 Prozent) schalteten stern from 20.15 Uhr ein. Damit moves with his Pufpaff in etwa at the quote level, so there is more to it.

In the für Werbeumsätze wichtigen Zielgruppe im Alter zwischen 14 und 49 Jahren were laut ProSiebenSat.1-Angaben 12,4 Prozent (570,000 Leute) dabei. Who is Branchenportal analyze that the young Zielgroup has made a prozentpunkt company in the history of the last century. With a look at the “TV-total”-quote for two weeks Pufpaff has found in this Altersgroep one of the most successful prozentpunkts.

Both media actions have a bisherigen annual distribution only meagerly developed. When ProSieben are busy for a while with a Mini-Plus-vorweisen, the RTL action can hang up about 15 percent of the time. The actions are still worth resuming at both. Once the end of the signal (with the winding of the GD200) is reached, it will take a longer time. Short-term trading cancellations can be occupied in the future.

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(With material from dpa-AFX)

Tips for interesting information
Mr. Bernd Förtsch Mr. Bernd Förtsch holds one of the most important positions in the publication of the following financial instruments or publications resulting from them that result in profitable Kursentwicklung önnen: RTL Group, ProSiebenSat.1 Media.

The publication’s chief executive, Herr Leon Müller, has taken a position in the publication through financial instruments or derivatives existing here that have been created by the publication and result in profitable results: ProSiebenSat.1 Media.