
VHS starts in the new semester – Breites Kursangebot für Herbst und Winter

VHS starts in the new semester – Breites Kursangebot für Herbst und Winter

With the start of the Herbal and Winter semester, the VHS Schwandorf was introduced to a large course program, which caters to all alternative groups and interests.

The VHS team has found some innovative themes, which are as good as new, if any part of the story gets messed around, it ends up in a press conference.

“With my extended offer, our VHS continues its long tradition as a central education provider at Fort Schwandorf. The new semester has produced some exciting results, new developments and new opportunities, which we continue to explore,” said OB Andreas Feller (CSU).

Dealing with social media

With the strong digitalization of the story, interest in the prices can increase as “Ihr Weg zum Influencer” or “Einführung in the intelligent intelligence (KI)” information. “We are very pleased with the results of our first writings in the world of social media and modern technology,” said supervisor Sabrina Reiner. Auch im Sprachenbereich is de VHS in de angebot. Neben Sprachkursen in English, Spanish, Italian and French is also available in Niederländisch für Anfänger. For children in the Grundschulalter is the new Kurs Spaß with English, the young generation who play and the Sprache heranführt.

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A new series of Kursangebots is a fachbereich-gezondheid with “Shinrin-Yoku”, which can also occur in Waldbaden. The trend originating in Japan, lets the part-taking one, the whole nature of nature be with an eight-together Spaziergang in the forest, experience and nachhaltige stress abzubauen.

Cultural interest can be at your expense. The Trinity Concert plays the audience with songs, poems and poems nach Irland. For fans of “Star Wars universes” this is one of the best things: Lichtschwertschaukampf for beginners. The course is busy with the Möglichkeit, active in the world of Jedi and Sith.

They are also bigger games. Believe: I am a new game – including a version for the family. You can enjoy exciting games and information from expert friends.

Social and political themes ensure that the Verbraucherbildung in the Mittelpunkt zahlreicher Online- und Hybride-Veranstaltungen, bij denen Experten in his Wissen weitergeben. Another Veranstaltung in October is a moderate speech with the Holocaust lore Ernst Grube in the Spitalkirche, flankiert von der Führung “Dunkle Wolken über Schwandorf” in Zusammenarbeit with the Tourismusbüro.

In cooperation with the Lichtwerkkino Schwandorf, the new project “vhsKino” has been put into operation. Here the prize-winning films “The Zone of Interest” and “Das Lehrerzimmer” were watched. Enjoy the exciting film history, which goes hand in hand with the thematic background of the film. The registration for the herbal semester is possibly one of the many courses that have yielded the VHS discount. If you are interested, you can register for the course online, by e-mail, by telephone or in person. View the information about the courses online at

Confirmation for partners

Schüler, Studenten, Auszubildende, Schwerbehinderte, Leistungsempfänger nach SGB II oder Besitzer des Sad-Passes erhalten bij Vorlage een gültigen Bescheinigung in der Regel eine Ermäßigung um 30 Prozent.

The VHS is regularly informed about changes and new developments via social media channels on Facebook and Instagram.

If you read the VHS with the program, the program will be interrupted, while you will end up at an individual seminar for students, companies, institutions.

Contact Us

To register: If you are interested, please contact us by email at [email protected], by telephone under the number (0 94 31) 4 55 10 or by WhatsApp under the number 01 74/ 2 59 07 12 to request your information.

Social media: On Facebook and Instagram it is possible to create new Veranstaltungen.