
Shell Action: Verzögerung beim Shell-Rückzug aus der Schwedter Raffinerie

Shell Action: Verzögerung beim Shell-Rückzug aus der Schwedter Raffinerie

The energy group Shell is coming up with its planned exit at the Öl-Raffinerie PCK Schwedt in Brandenburg, which has not been thought through very well.

De Verkauf der Beteiligung in Höhe von 37.5 Prozent an de British Energiekonzern Prax Group verzögere sich wegen anhängiger Klagen Dritter,berichtet de Nachrichtenagentur Reuters unter Berufung auf ungenannte Quellen. The Beteiligung was taxed with a value of 155 Million to 190 Million Euro.

Considering the terms of the contract, the terms and conditions must be met by both parties for an extension of the new transactions, if the transaction is not canceled in mid-September, Reuters writes.

Other people have the owner of the refinery, the Russian oil industry, Rosneft, the Anti-Sales Court to prevent. The refinery works more on the German Rosneft-Tochter, which carries out a Treuhandverwaltung-steht.

Shell and the Prax Group have not responded to Dow Jones Newswires’ request with a statement.



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