
VW will strive for: Bei Arbeitern herrschen jetzt Wut and Angst | Politics

VW will strive for: Bei Arbeitern herrschen jetzt Wut and Angst | Politics

Two jobs were lost, with approximately 30,000 VW workers being lost. The Schock-Nachricht platform is offered in the regulative Betriebsversammlung of the Saxon Works in Zwickau and Chemnitz.

“The stimulus was a natural explosion,” said Thomas Knabel, IG-Metall-Chef for the Zwickau region of the live betting industry. “Es herrschen Wut, Angst und Unverständnis.”

▶ Denn: I see how management is improving the current weather conditions.

“College with management for more”

“First year ever die befristeten Verträge nicht verlängertwith the Versprechen, that is the Kernbelegschaft sicher ist. Then there will be 3-shot operations when 2 shots are recovered. “The students are happy with their management, so Knabel says.

A ground: the Problems with the Zwickau site shame. 2019 where the work for 1.5 billion euros will be carried out by pure e-automotive. 10,000 Mitarbeiter have their own job guarantee until 2029. But whoever plans ursprünglich 360,000 E-Fahrzeuge, driving a year there is now 250,000 vom Band.

The Zukunft der Gläsernen VW-Manufaktur in Dresden is on the offensive

The Zukunft der Gläsernen VW-Manufaktur in Dresden is on the offensive

Photo: Picxell

Habeck responded

Economic Minister Robert Habeck (54, Grüne) has put the Montag on an Autogipfel. Loaded by IG Metall, Verband der Autoindustrie, de major Hersteller and Zulieferer. Aber de Einladung went bereits diesen Montag raus, hat BILD foutahren. Zudem will be looking at the VW-Werk in Emden tomorrow.

It is a matter of time. In the car parking lot, fear can arise.

Location Saxony nearby

In the production standard of the Glass Manufaktur in Dresden, which only the ID.3 cooperates – alibimäßig and in homopathic dosage, what the VW-intern is called. The fate of Dresden as a production location gilded as long besieged. The use of the hypermodern glass and steel construction after the Dresden Innenstadt is unclear.

Dagegen can use the IG Metall massive wider stand. “Von een werkschließung in Zwickau-Mosel would have been affected 60,000 times by a direct car manufacturer. Mittelbar since weitere working places have been fährdet,” says IG-Metaller Thomas Knabel. “That’s an Angriff in the entire Region!”

Kündigen Widerstand v de VW-Pläne en: Uwe Kunstmann (l.), Vorsitzender des Gesamtbetriebsrats bei Volkswagen Sachsen, Kristin Oder, stellvertretende Betriebsratsvorsitzende, Thomas Knabel, IG Metall Zwickau

Kündigen Widerstand v de VW-Pläne en: Uwe Kunstmann (l.), Vorsitzender des Gesamtbetriebsrats bei Volkswagen Sachsen, Kristin Oder, stellvertretende Betriebsratsvorsitzende, Thomas Knabel, IG Metall Zwickau

Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The fact that the Zwickau location had a long lifespan is unclear. Trotzdem verspricht Kabel: “We take the Drohungen seriously. Zwickau als Ganzes en auch Werkschließungen stehen für uns nicht zur Disposition.”