
Schüler hält himself for a Wolf – with official Behördenerlaubis

Schüler hält himself for a Wolf – with official Behördenerlaubis

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Irre! Schüler stops with a Wolf – with Unterstützung seiner Lehrer

Healing Wolf

Ein Schüler identifies as Wolf? Für eine Schule in Schottland kein Problem. (Photo: Symbolbild)


Whatever it is with a Wolf – it’s one of those things you do!

Yes, was Gibt’s lair too? A British security service has been officially identified as Wolf. An example is a “Spezies-Dysphorie” – a stand, while the man with the hat, another kind anzugehören. Performing an installation is a matter of excluding your Lehrern.

„Spezies-Dysphoria“: Immer mehr Schüler in Schottland wollen lieber ein Tier sein

And it is all the same: The people of the children and the children, who identify themselves with animals who identify Fuchsen, Drachen, Vögeln, Schlangen, Haien and other Dinosaurs, never live in Schottland.

Dr. Tommy MacKay, a clinical neuropsychologist, presents this picture of insanity as a stark reminder: “In the Wissenschaft the name ‘Spezies-Dysphoria’ is small, says the Mail. “It is not super rash that one dies in a time, in the same fallen people with other people who identify with them, as sid.”

There is criticism of the official question that has been asked about the protection of the Scheinen, “that a species identifies itself as Wolf, when he said that it was so and that it was itself another set, was a vernünftiger Ansatz-waar”.

Reading tip: Michèle liebte een Flugzeug – non hat sie Schluss gemacht

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