
Goldman calls RWE on ‘Buy’ – Soul 44.50 Euro

Goldman calls RWE on ‘Buy’ – Soul 44.50 Euro

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) – The American investment bank Goldman Sachs has made the purchase of RWE on “Buy” with a price of 44.50 euros. Analyst Alberto Gandolfi has examined in one of the Donnerstag studies alternative industry studies, one of the alternative energy sources based on the market. One of the new interests of the sectors may well be that investors in their investment separations would no longer be able to find the abstract domestic sense, which rearranges the ROCE returns. Dieses beschreibt den Quotienten aus betrieblichem Ergebnis und gebundenem Kapital./la/jha/Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 19.09.2024 / 06:00 / CEST Erstmalige Weitergabe der Original-Studie: Datum in Studie nicht angegeben / Uhrzeit in Studie nicht angegeben / Zeitzone in Studie nicht angegeben and

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Source: dpa-AFX