
Karntner Ort had a Trinkwasser for a while

Karntner Ort had a Trinkwasser for a while

Sauberes Trinkwasser from the Wasserleitung. It was for the most Österreicher self-realization that the Bewohner had a Karntner Ortes derzeit nur träumen. Seit March 2023 haben 24 Haushalte in Stromberg in der Gemeinde Frauenstein kein Trinkwasser. If you buy a supermarket or a hole in the supermarket, it is at Freunden. From September it starts a bit of the Nutzwasser – and for WC-Spülungen or Duschen, the Pompe, the Wasser of the Quelle in the high water pump, is defective. Wasser flies now, when the Freiwillige Feuerwehr brings wels. “It is a harmless situation, which does not exist in Austria,” said Marion Auer-Ordelt, an affected resident of the idyllic Ortschaft am Kraigberg.