
Hamburg at the ebenfalls noch sieglosen Potsdamern am Start › HL-SPORTS

Hamburg at the ebenfalls noch sieglosen Potsdamern am Start › HL-SPORTS

At Casper Ulrich Mortensen you will find an end to the Knoten Platzen in Potsdam

Photo: Lobeca/Ralf Homburg


Chancellery Professor

Hamburg – The Handball Sport Verein Hamburg has the Auswärtsspiel in the MBS-Arena at Aufsteiger 1. VfL Potsdam on the program at 20:00. Since the guests and their guests are not happy, they also affect both foreign people directly. Here the HSV Hamburg will see a strong Auftritt at FRISCH AUF! Göppingen des 1. Spieltages anknüpfen und both Punkte aus Potsdam entführen. For HSVH-Spielmacher Moritz Sauter is a Rückkehr and the other Wirkungsstätte, where Potsdam is the Zweitliga-Meisterschaft and the Aufstieg in the 1. Handball-Bundesliga-feierte.

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Both teams started the season

Night of the 1. VfL Potsdam signal Auftaktheimspiel gegen de SG BBM Bietigheim verlor en der HSV Hamburg zum Auftakt bei FRISCH AUF! Göppingen at 25:25 is a hole in space, where the first step is taken.
Both teams play in the same two games as 59 games in Hamburg with 50 visitors in the tower with a single ball in a shared living room, as the guest house. If the fans both start on a package, a Zentimeter Hallenboden will be kämpft.

Potsdam auch noch nicht in Tritt

Bob Hanning played for 1. VfL Potsdam in the first league, where non Emir Kurtagic became the new head coach. If you call in the help, a shadow falls and your staff is ready. For the host family, it is so that both have no more season game. So go to Start a 26:28-Niederlage against Mit-Aufsteiger SG BBM Bietigheim for a secret Kulisse and an end to a 23:31 at MT Melsungen. While Potsdam refuses in first place and with everything that the HSV Hamburg has to offer, it goes wrong.
The gilded one is for the Hamburger that will last his or her whole life, so both will be marbled with the Elbe.


  • Casper Ulrich Mortensen HSVH: Lobeca/Ralf Homburg
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