
Fridays for the Future Koblenz demands faster energy transition

Fridays for the Future Koblenz demands faster energy transition

Am Freitag gehen in ganz Deutschland wieder Aktivisten von Fridays for Future on die Straßen. Auch in Koblenz and in Simmern in the Hunsrück are demonstrating for more Klimaschutz.

On August 20, 2024, the Weltweit zahlreiche proteststatt, the climate change and the politics of the woolen trade took place. Auch Fridays for Future Deutschland with demonstrations.

Kundgebung in front of the Koblenzer Hauptbahnhof

The active companies, the German country from Kohle, oil and gas, and their statistics, flow from renewable energy sources. “That is also for Koblenz an important topic”, says Luca Braun of the Koblenz Ortsgruppe. Let the city be in climate mode in 2019.

For Luca Braun it is clear: “Photovoltaics are a must!” A theme that Neubauten directly incorporates into the plans is a fact. Diesen-forderungen wollen de Koblenzer Climateivists beihrer Kundgebung vor dem Hauptbahnhof Nachdruck verleihen.


The Ärztin Mareike Bernhard from Koblenz has received a Untätigkeitsklage by the Federal Government before the Federal Criminal Court: It is one of four Klägerinnen and Klägern.

Complaint before the Federal Constitutional Court
Climate walking: Darum reports these Ärztin from Koblenz the Federal Government

More heat and drought, more star rain and high water: Mareike Bernhard finds the government for climate protection and sees the Federal Constitutional Court.

SWR4 hours Thursday


Protest focuses on the fight against climate protection laws

Your protest focused on the protection of climate protection. It is a fact that the CO2 emission setting for the individual sector with the example of transport, agriculture or buildings has fallen away. Statistics now became the joint company gas emissions and the sector relations.

Fridays for Future Deutschland has been criticized because it was the case that the Bundesregierung did not do its self-study for a certain sector. The Koblenzer Ortsgruppe has loaded Mareike Bernhard as Redner. The idea that you are concerned with Health for Future and how you can do this with a new approach is a new climate for the Bundesverfassungsgericht.