
Are there any blue pollens that are a Zucker alternative?

Are there any blue pollens that are a Zucker alternative?

If you are allergic to washing foods and herbs, nutritionists will consider the new Superfood: Gemeint sind Blütenpollen – small yellow balls, which are not under the pain, as a healthy alternative to the usual home-made sugar.

  • This is how Flower pollen presented
  • Superfood: This Autumn fabric hide in the kitchen
  • Allergic to: Let flower pollen heal
  • Blutenpollen als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sinnvoll

Honey war starred! The new food trend from the production of blue pollen: Small, gel-like balls, which provide our bodies with whatever nutrients. And now it is no longer possible: you can choose an alternative to the desired, refined sugar products.

Die Restellung von Blütenpollen

Flower pollen comes from soft bees. You see the pollen in the form of the blue sky of the plants and mix in then with Blood fluids and enzymes. Make sure you get out of the staubigen substance characteristic gelben Körnchenwhich we know as Blütenpollen. In dieser compact shape If the Bienen are a little lighter, go to Bienenstock for transport.

Make sure you have a good solution Pollen trap when entering the Bienenstocks: When the bees wander through the Loch, the Blütenpollen die, the man in the Fachsprache on “Höschen” is removed. The boiling has fallen in a certain case, whereby the beekeeper is regularly taught. In addition, it is so that the jewelry of the jewel is now a brute of the pollen and the pollen fall is no longer realized. Denn: Actually, the Blütenpollen die Food for the welfare peoplewho are waiting for bad times.

After removing the blue pollen from the inflated state, they are cleaned and toweda safe situation could then be assured.

Flower pollen: So maybe it can be used

The taste of Blütenpollen is described as good. Especially good in smoothies, yoghurts and mueslis. One of the best ways to serve the little ones, such as salads and desserts, is tasty and decorative by the certain something. People can indulge themselves with the lukewarm T-piece. But note: The temperature of the tea is high, the substance is heated by the pollen.

If you have one of the blue pollen, you can hold up eights, if you have one of the following, organic beekeeping strains, which on the wool of the eights and the few blue pollen that your own versorgung-überlassen is. If there is no question of extinguishing pollen in the organic quality, then it is possible that the mold of pestizidrückstanden is very light.

Organic beekeepers are required to take care of their own needs, so that your bienenstöcke is a perfect addition, including the adjacent Felder and Wiesen not with pestizides were emphasized.

Blütenpollen in Bio-Qualität are easy to shop here

These inhalants make the pollen of Superfood

Flower pollen was no longer used as a superfood, but it is now so much fun healthy ingredients for our well-being: So find a man in another world beträchtliche Menge und Eiweiß – and black up to 30%! Umgerechnet bedeutet das, dass 100 Gramm Blütenpollen circa genauso fell Eiweiß wie 500 Gramm Rindfleisch voweisen. Gerade fur Vegetarian are the Kugelchen also a excellent source of protein.

Even the spotless Provitamin A in the Blütenpollen are nachgewiesen. Beyond that abundantly present Vitamin complex B the flower pollen that have arisen from the natural product: There is a positive influence on the energy from the energy supply. Ebenfalls contains vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, riboflavin, biotin. If you use the natural mineral substances, you can find these natural substances: so find the human in the pollen of calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium. Additionaly konnte die antibacterial effect von Blütenpollen – genauso wie bei Honig – nachgewiesen.

This is the Nährwerte of 100 Gramm Blütenpollen:

Calories: 365 kcal

Protein: 25g

Carbohydrate: 43g

Fat: 9g

Fiber: 0g

Die Vorteile von Blütenpollen für Körper und Gesundheit

These full-fledged and healthy substances are normally available. Guaranteed by Blütenpollen positive effects: On the other hand, we ask you to Immunity Boostinghollow Mosquito net supportsdie Stabilize buttonsand Minimize dilution problems. When the symptoms of the occurrence of the disease or the stomach-intestinal-affected occur, the symptoms of the occurrence of pollen can be reduced and the consequences of the disease can increase. From the generated green products, the human of the natural product did not fall from the sky anymore, but it struck me health care benefits An.

Furthermore, the pollen are polluted in the air Desensitization therapy no pollen allergy or real food eingesetzt. Prepared in the winter are the little things that are done, while the corn comes along the Frühjahr that the Pollenflug vorzubereiten. The immune system becomes more sensitive to the immune system.

A stelle is a brand that causes allergic and asthmatic reactions due to the occurrence of pollen, which hinders allergic reactions. A desensitizing therapy with blue pollen is carried out by medical and expert supervision during the treatment. If this Grund is unavoidable, make sure the Rat makes a hole.


Blütenpollen are like a miracle cure of understanding, during their Ruf as a Superfood dish. The habitual industrial production suckers became small, the money that would be earned, could never be used again, before everything would come out of the Grund, we will have a bit of a life-threatening situation.

If we look at the health wave in the fall, the natural product will go with its arrival to the fall, the pollen will appear as the nutritional remedy in the speiseplan. The positive effect is that it is a delicious drink – it is not as bitter as it is.

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