
A Zurghipo Goes Viral – Who Moo Deng Became an It-Girl

A Zurghipo Goes Viral – Who Moo Deng Became an It-Girl

Chonburi (dpa) – Hanging up for Moo Deng: Early tomorrow, before the Khao Kheow Open Zoo in Thailand’s Chonburi province at 8:00, tens of thousands of vehicles are queuing for entry. Everyone has clicked on a two-month-old while others pause on the screen, it’s a matter of kulleraugen and a lowly Mimik of the Internet sensation has become.

The Hippo-Mädchen has only just become human in Asia and others in the world, under the zoo: Since Moo Deng am 10. July, the Light of the World can be seen, haben sich the Besucherzahlen verdoppelt. Photos, videos and all the white background memes that are going viral.

You can watch the equestrian movements of the zoo with a few raunen, room clicks, smartphones are more widely used. Moo Deng hops with his short legs behind Mother Jona her, who does not weigh him from the side.

Gegenstande ins Gehegeworfen

If you make the right choice with the last one, the Spa will: The Hippo Child was sprinkled with water and the little snow was sprinkled in the hand, and Moo Deng was sprinkled with cheerful grimaces.

Dennoch feels the hype is only more Freude than the baby itself. If you want to know more, it’s one of the large amounts of meat being twisted by the wool. “Hippos are being sheltered in the wild, while Moo Deng will not have any Kafigs left,” said Jason Baker, vice-chair of the animal welfare organization Peta Asia. “Animals are not for our maintenance.” Your sigh for public shelter is leading to a halt.

The Thais have ended up in the pummeling Flusspferdchen. “I’m the first person in the zoo, so I’m only a few minutes away from here,” it means an etwa 40 years of other women. «Aber für Moo Deng was das, sie ist ja dermaßen süß!» Mönche in safranfarbenen Roben lassen sich ebenso verzaubern wie Schullassen. «Moo Deng! Moo Deng!”, a single Schüler raises. De Kleine is a nice It-Girl.

Nothing resembles the events of Wochen vorbildlich verhalten: Manche Gäste hatten Gegenstände in das Gehegeworfen, een schlafende Tierbaby aufzuwecken. Gab Arger. Mittlerweile wurden Sicherheitskameras installed, während Besuchern juristische Folgen roads Tierquälerei angedroht. Das says offenbar Wirkung.

Was Moo Deng’s own self?

If you see it tomorrow, you’ll go home before you have a second job. Ihr Name bedeutet so fell wie «hüpfendes Schwein» en bezeichnet gleichzeitig ein kanntes thailändisches Street-Food-Gericht: gerösteten Schweinebauch auf Reis with a thick rotten sauce.

Around 20,000 Facebook users in August stimulated the time to view the funny Neuzugang of the zoos – and to look at the Kugelrunde and the gray-pink-shining Moo Deng kein Schweinchen ist, shines his name but the one on the Leib is geschneidert.

Seit Wochen travel reporter and camera teams from all over the world. Even the «Time» magazine released a tribute and embellished as «Ikone» and «Legende». Moo Deng said that it is not typical A-Promi, “as it is definitively treated”, writes the US-Nachrichtenmagazin. An own Wikipedia-Eintrag hat das Tierkind auch schon.

Shortened visiting hours

The 2,000-hectare zoo area is located two car miles south of Bangkok and 35 kilometers north of Pattaya Tourist Castle. One of the weeks is getting fuller: Zuletzt has 12,000 Moo-Deng fans in the animal park a lonely day, the operator has limited the visit time and Sunday days per person to fun minutes and Moo Dengs hege.

It is the second half of the twentieth century, the Nachwuchs der seltenen and nur in West Africa in the free Wildbahn live Zwergflusspferde (Choeropsis liberiensis) Euphorie auslöst: Kurz for Moo Deng war die Anfang Juni in Berliner Zoo born Toni – benannt after the Berliner Fußballer Antonio “Toni” Rüdiger – zum Star avanciert. Unvergessen in Berlin was born until the end of 2006 and in 2011 plötzlich gestorbene Eisbär-Junge Knut, der schnell zum internationalen Medienliebling wurde.

The Deutsche Botschaft in Bangkok fragte themselves in a Facebook post, with Toni and Moo Deng irgendwann Friends were known and fugte hint: «Obwohl is aufgrund der Gefangenschaft in Zoos unwahrscheinlich ist, that they meet themselves, could they have common relationships in the Elfenbeinküste , Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone – the last Ländern, in deen das gefährdete Zwergflusspferd nor in freer Wildbahn lebt.» A small community has both died: Moo Dengs Papa heißt Tony.

When FC Bayern Munich no longer plays the 9:2 match against Dinamo Zagreb in the Champions League, Moo Deng’s expressive Mimik on X his posts. “So I made a gesture, Moo Deng!”, shouts the Team dazu with laughing Smileys.

Livestream and Souvenirs

In Japan, South Korea and China, Hippo-Mädchen traps have long been a celebrity. In the People’s Republic, Tan Tiao Zhu – Chinese for hopping pig – is the hashtag. The hashtag has been used on the social media platform Xiaohongshu to 2.3 million clicks.

A portion of the fans who are in the world of friendship will be sent a 24-hour livestream in the right direction. There are nice souvenirs on offer, nice T-shirts and fabrics. Those who enter will be doing urgently needed work in the zoo with its 3000 animals.