
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Jobfactory Rostock with maritime Schwerpunkt

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Jobfactory Rostock with maritime Schwerpunkt

Status: 20.09.2024 08:38

In der HanseMesse Rostock more than 150 companies present themselves. Mitmachangebote is an example of a job on the track.

The 27. Jobfactory Rostock started a new one: A Sonderfläche „Maritime Business“ was created. They present themselves more than 20 times from the processes of construction, construction, transportation and engineering. For guests of Jobfactory it is worthwhile to use Mitmach-Angebote, because they are practically an einblick in the Arbeitsfelder der Maritieme Wirtschaft. It is one of the NDRs with use of boats in Redaktion, Produktion and Büro. Insgesamt set am Freitag und Samstag 154 Firmen und Bildungseinrichtungen more als 500 Berufssmöglichkeiten vor.

This topic in the program:
NDR 1 Radio MV | Regional nights in Rostock | 20.09.2024 | 09:40 Uhr