
Psychische Gesundheit: Was beim Sport in Körper und Kopf passionrt

Psychische Gesundheit: Was beim Sport in Körper und Kopf passionrt

Jenseits von Kraft und Ausdauer hat Sportcomplex Wirkungen auf the Psyche: There are depressions or anxiety and longing auch vor. Who influences movement.

This is an experimental tool. The result is that there is an inadequate situation or that there is an error.

While the corona pandemic often makes people with ‘stupid walks’ for a large part of the health of the world, a lot of space is being freed up and films are being made. Study, the treatment is no longer a question of krankheitenschützt, but also of depression and anxiety disorders. Sports therapists such as Christina Terán at the St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus in Berlin-Mitte have established a treatment in therapy, a patient who helps. Sport is about verschiedene Weisen on the gehirn and the body, among other things by the images of BDNF and ANP that are made red by chronic Entzündungen. It is possible that there are many people who are concerned with emotional problems, movements, it is regular exercise. Therapists and researchers stand for the challenge, people who are motivated by it, move more, a positive effect on the mental health of the benefit.

Mental health care: regulatory endurance can be carried out, the human with frightening formal stressful situations if we perceive threatening.
Regulatory endurance sports can be performed, the person with frightening forms of stress Situation as wenger bedrohlich empfinden.
© Paul Bradbury/​Getty Images

The video starts. A young woman leaves her house. When the anorak hood goes over her head and she steps energetically through the snow with pointed lips, swinging her arm, the waiter sways with each trill. Next video: A man gets out of his car, the Tür Schlägt is a hint to zu. A stamp has fallen on a bridge, and there are a number of Baches, who have started their Nordic-Walking-Stöcken in the Waldboden. The subtitle: “A leafy walk … in the leafy morning … for my leafy spiritual health …”.

With my videos, both the walking woman and the stamping man lie in trend. How things are with the corona pandemic is one of the social media challenges, a “stupid walk for the stupid mental health” to start – also a “bloody relaxation for the bloody mental health”. There are also films that a person watches, while they are a fresh air movement.