
Anti-Hass Initiative for Nominated Awards – Stadionwelt

Anti-Hass Initiative for Nominated Awards – Stadionwelt

With the initiative “Wer hetzt, verliert!” initiated by the Club, VfL Bochum has been nominated for the “Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis Sport 2024”. The achievements of the year 2023 were those Bochumer für den Preis berufen.

After the VfL Bochum 1848 had been developing a strategy for a year regarding the “Beirat Zukunft” for the “Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis Sport” nominated, the Blau-Weißen now produced an incorrect news item. The initiative “Wer hetzt, verliert!” of VfL Bochum in 1848 with the Zentral- und Ansprechstelle Cybercrime Nordrhein-Westfalen (ZAC NRW) in December 2023 in Leben gerufen. The project is intended to seize power, while it is punished in the digital media with the spreading of platforms that may result from the development. The initiative has taken an initiative. There are a number of preventive measures that are very effective and will be treated with the criminal prosecution rights next time. “While the projects of politics, management and companies send some important things, a work of Hass and Hetze on the Internet to mediate. If we see this, he now dies by the nomination for the German award ceremony”, commented Jonas Schlevogt, Director of Law, Personal and Unternehmensentwicklung at VfL, the Nominierung.

The Campaign is Hass and Hetze has been nominated for the 2024 Sustainability Award in the Sports Area.

The Campaign is Hass and Hetze has been nominated for the 2024 Sustainability Award in the Sports Area. Image: VfL Bochum GmbH & Co. KGaA

The initiative is similar to the NRW clubs from the Bundesliga and the 2. Liga. The Clubs and the Central and Ansprechstelle Cybercrime Nordrhein-Westfalen (ZAC NRW) started on the initiative of the VfL Bochum 1848, jointly in the project “Wer hetzt, verliert!” punishable to death. Were players or players or responsible for their work in digital worlds, these aspects of the project work could be brought to the ZAC NRW at the same time and unburdened. In April 2024, there was a first prominent podium discussion here in the Räumlichkeiten des Vonovia Ruhrstadions, hosted by NRW Internal Minister Herber Reul Teilnahm.

Since 2008, with the renowned German Nachhaltigkeitspreis, Vorreiterinnen and Vorreiter in the Categories Unternehmen, Architektur and Start-Ups have been awarded, now also in their category Sport. The Siegerinnen and Sieger were admitted in the Rahmen der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitstage on November 29 in Düsseldorf. (Stadionwelt, 20.09.2024)